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Everything posted by Smokey

  1. Smokey


    Here you can buy lots o' design watches for shit prices. (also means shit quality) But for the look, and for the prize, it is definitely worth buying. Link: http://www.miniinthebox.com/men-s-watches_c4818
  2. Alright, YOU forgot to bring the milk. But don't worry, I brought it for ya! Oh, and yes, this fella right ere' has my vouch of becoming a member. I don't know him personally that long, but in the game he's alright. Friendly on teamspeak, no shitty headset and can quite handle as a CT. +1
  3. It it makes them feel better, sure. Post whatever, however, whenever you like. As long as you don't spam, keep it clean and post legit, there should be no problem at all. This is my 30th post ''Err.. ma.. gerrd''
  4. NETHERLANDS The positives The weather. When it’s good, it’s fabulous. Warm, sunny, not too hot so walking, biking and spending time outdoors are an unexpected delight. As soon as the sun comes out so do the Dutch, so expect to share all public and open spaces with everyone else. Street cafes, bistros and bars fill streets and squares, and are a wonderful way to relax and people watch. Dutch health care is generally excellent and free, although there are processes to be followed. Keep an open mind. The default position of most Dutch doctors is for you to go away and take two paracetamol four times a day and come back in a few days if things don’t improve. Be polite but stand your ground. Change doctors until you find someone you can work with. There are international healthcare centres available if you don’t find a suitable local doctor. The negatives Particularly if you’ve relocated from somewhere, well, less dense. In good weather the beaches, woods and recreational facilities are full of other people wanting to do the same as you. Traffic can be a nightmare, moreso when the weather is bad and bikes are abandoned in favor of cars. That said, urban areas are well planned, with lots of available green space. The Dutch are very used to living in smaller homes in close proximity to their neighbors, are are generally respectful of each other’s privacy. You wouldn’t expect to buy or rent a detached, spacious home in New York, London, or any other capital city and the same applies here. Housing costs are expensive. Beware speed cameras, police, perpetual road works, bikes, pedestrians, dogs and the ‘cars coming from the right have priority’ rule. Patience is a requirement and road rage is rare. Bikes and pedestrians always have priority. If in doubt give way to everyone.
  5. hai, wlcmeo tot khte forumd!
  6. 16th of February. Turned 23, 3 weeks ago.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJxpa9plCfs Ever wondered how to make fire? Now you can learn!
  8. I'll be missing you.
  9. Do you also get that firecracker shit coming out of your behind the next day?
  10. Pasta (cause you can make it in a 1000 different ways, love creativity with food, especially when it is easy) .. enough said
  11. I do live in the Netherlands my friend! The second one should've been the playstation 2. Cause that version doesn't exist for 30 years, it came out in 2000!
  12. FACTS: 01~~ Friendly 02~~ Currently saves his money for expensive knife 03~~ Loves listening too music 04~~ Can be very sneaky in the game as a T 05~~ Mature 06~~ Has driven a Bugatti Veyron for 100m 07~~ Has a Playstation 2 in his room for over 30 years 08~~ Lives in the Netherlands. 09~~ Fav colour is ❤ FALSE FACTS FROM THE POST ABOVE: 001: 03~~Is definitely not planning to overthrow Conor and re-instate dictatorship in Outbreak 002: 06~~Is currently head-admin of outbreak
  13. Smokey


    I bought a headset at a retail-store and paid around €8 for it. Quality of it is (as far as I know) good enough to hear and listen.
  14. Original: SmokeyZxNL Why: Cause I smoke weed, use smoke grenade every single round and live in the Netherlands. Other: Goku Why: Enough said Other: Gandalf Why: Bought an AWP wich had the tag ''You shall not pass''
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