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Everything posted by Lurker

  1. Tour'D'France material there :D
  2. While I was still practicing with Mixing and Music Mashups I was looking for something unique and not taken. So I got the name DjReplica, sticked with the name since 2010. Prosecutor Lurker was a trend I was following since 2005, where I would make phrases with couple of words from different themes/games/movies. At some time I really liked the Phoenix Wright games and I was starting to get into Starcraft so I guess I got this name on steam. Similar thing happened with Replica, but I used to go by the name Replica Hunter. I suppose it had something to do with F.E.A.R 2 and Left 4 Dead, those were the games I was interested before i made the new name. There is also a bit more formal explanation that I always preferred binomial taxonomy. 2 names for one thing. P.S; There was a small timeperiod where I had a very awkward name: Prescription Entrepreneur, and I used that name undercover or if I wanted to make fun of people mispronouncing it when they called me on the microphone. Considering the previous community was made up from arabic players, I had a blast making fun of em :D
  3. One guy doesn't represent everyone. It's just depending if they feel to respond or just want to read and silently agree or disagree. Again, I had a great time reading out essayist style, some good points across :D
  4. Star Wars the Force Awakens. Because it's the only movie I watched in 2015 :D
  5. Counter strike 1.0 Half Life I had a short term NES where the only cartridges I had were super mario bros, Duck Hunt, Bubble Bobble and that.
  6. Pizza One of the family members Something philosophical depending on the circumstance
  7. I think I have like 30 hours from the day it was released. This game is where is at.
  8. I don't think you can get away with a budget configuration for rendering in 4k especially.
  9. I played Hearthstone because I found it casual when it was released and was expecting a pretty laidback scene. But then sc2 pros went to hearthstone and made everything competitive and clenching, so now i just see common decks which are boring and only win because of RNG as RNG is something competitive in video games. So after Naxaramus and the Gnomes content releases I haven't open hearthstone in like forever. Mainly because casual players cannot survive in hearthstone due to requirements for having all cards (legendary are a must). Nor I'm interested to waste 2 years so I can get most of the content for "free" as 2 years is something easily invested.
  10. Lurker

    CS:GO NightCrawler Mod

    From the previous place I come from, Nightcrawler always existed in any cs 1.6 jailbreak mod as a very straightforward special day. It was conducted with ct's getting invisibility and t's get a handful of weapons. The nighcrawler mod(Notably in the ZoD community) used to have a shop system for a sound emitter and a laser that is synchronized with the player's aim. So that was also adopted in the cs 1.6 jailbreak server. I strongly advise that there should be more "love" for special days because that's the main source of having fun for both teams. For example, I've never seen zombie day, nemesis day, fire day, mario day, Deathmatch or Gungame day,Freezetag day,scout gravity day,judgement day,shark day, snowball day, sparta day(but there aren't technically shields in csgo so that won't work :(), Invisible day, custom creative special day(admin's creativity).
  11. Bread dipped in Plasma Mix combined with the awful European Peanut Butter. Pizza with Sushi Chocolate covered Pop Corn with Gin aroma. Cabbage and Cheese Pie with Fermented Milk Generic Chinese topping on Ajvar (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ajvar)
  12. Lurker


    Red Alert 2 MASTER RACE! Also welcome to OB, pleasant to have some diversity into conceptualizing what is behind that monitor of yours.
  13. Lurker


    Cat, I had at one point like 9 cats around my garden. My uncle also had a pet snake in the village so I can't really chose one of the other :(
  14. The guilty pleasure of an Auschwitz Engineer ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  15. Well from where I'm from, we have like this big lust for our traditional cuisine, and we talk about it (equivalent of memetic spread). And to foreigners, it's pretty strange how we talk about food as it's something glorious than the religion around here. And the only thing we want is quantity in it, much less than quality. I personally have a weird interest into keeping spiders in my room (mostly wolf spiders), and let them take care of mosquitos in the summer. Every winter I'm a bit sad when they pass away(winter for spiders is like death season for em), considering how cold it gets around here in winter. Other less weird thing is that i'm adopted to the american sleep clock, and I sleep from 6-7pm to 3am in the morning.
  16. Well I'm not upgrading my gpu anyway, it's guaranteed to run games up to 2014 with maxed out settings, only the cpu bottlenecks with some newer games, and streaming takes a turn only then. Maybe if I fully commit into quality streaming for 4k60fps (I have a 4k tv monitor that is cupcake for streaming 4k stuff), I'll get a titan. But I imagine that pretty deep in the future. I imagine just 150 pounds on a new cpu with maybe a motherboard that can fit with i7, gtx690 can go on any motherboard and the other components can just be rehashed for the same price. (the retail company can just replace older parts with newer parts due to price changes :D )
  17. I built my pc with i3 and gtx690, and I'm having no trouble running pre-2012 games. I could run crysis 3 on ultra maxed out settings when I bought my configuration because of the GPU and planned to upgrade my cpu to i7 after I finish with university. However I do know that the motherboard will be a pain in the "arse" because it was a budget config. Even streaming on 1080p30fps is pretty solid for my cpu, and to this day I just had issues with power allocation because the PSU would give the cpu too much power and defunct it, needed to change some circuitry and reroute the power to the fan which keeps me cool in the summer lol This configuration from my point is pretty okay, I gave like 742 pounds for my config that included a gtx690 and a 16gb ram with a 700W PSU. And the whole price was taken by the massive gtx690 when i was buying it(at that time it was like a couple of months when it got released)
  18. Creativity for commanding is absolutely the best thing for any jailbreak type of server (any game). The main reason for a mod server is to have fun, different type of fun than what the original game strives for. I always support ct's experimenting with games and options to spread the atmosphere than just command for the sake of doing the day. But the rule of delaying is something I look as a problem because some administrators or moderators won't understand the experimental game and take it as delaying which will swiftly end into someone's death. That's not their fault because they are just doing their job as the rules inscribe. But considering that any game that is experimented upon and with will require some time to be delivered into a simple format understandable for everyone. And as you touched upon the language barrier in your other paragraph, not everyone is an english speaker and not everyone has an enticing way of explaining their motives and mechanics for the new day/game. Last Request is pretty weird in the server, apparently some rebel options are non-functional. Isn't this a rather urgent problem that demands attention due to narrowing the last request options to just 3 or 4, I don't really know if there is a probability to work around the broken features of the plugin, however last request is a pretty vital component to any jailbreak server, second to creativity and commanding. A t shouldn't be constricted to just be repetitive in last request which would rely on a minor skillset to outperform the opponent. Forum use: As I have spoken with few outbreak members, I have been told of a drop of usage due to individual cases. But what bothers is me how can a sole server and teamspeak server house so many people yet most of them don't have accounts on the forums. Considering that the actual jailbreak servers has a daily peak time which is impossible to join. I'm not gonna shoot hypothesis of why is that because I have no evidence or claim as I'm pretty new myself to form opinions.
  19. Lurker

    Starting up

    As usual I recommend this for source mapping. They are more based for hl2 engine than the newer csgo engine but it's the basis for any mapping in source. After that I remember a lot of tutorials on youtube for getting started with mapping but then again it's for the older hl2 engine than csgo's. Make a couple of maps in css, play them with bots, navigational caches for bot Nodes and start making standard defuse maps. Start doing that with csgo and you will have the standard basis for mapping.
  20. I don't think there is that much complexity and theoretical backdrop on a game like starcraft versus counter strike global offensive. However, I do agree that more individuals controlling the elements of a game make the game more complex in layman terms. Reason why I don't like playing that much team games is because of tendency of toxicity and miscommunication, not to mention constant parade of obstacles in having a happy mannerly structure of players that will always cooperate together. I prefer to not lose nerve cells because someone can play with words and publicly belittle me or someone else. If I plan to play a game I have paid with my own money, I have no reason to hear or read shitposts because the game is suppose to make me relax and anger me. Natural Selection 2 is even a bigger tower to climb when there are 2 distinct roles in gameplay, the base management one, and the fps one.
  21. cs_assault :D I love hostage maps lol
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