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Dank Potato

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Posts posted by Dank Potato

  1. 2 hours ago, Skeff said:

    The new super smash bros looks brilliant and mario party will be good.

    The New Super Smash bros would be great but they are missing one thing...


    Image result for waluigi png

  2. Just now, Finnley said:

    Are you serious? man fuck, I really thought people would care ? Feels fucking bad man. No for realz tho, I took at least 25 seconds to make that post and you are telling me that nobody cares... ALL THAT TIME JUST WASTED, FUCK!

    I'm sorry man ;(

  3. 21 minutes ago, IrishChamp said:

    The game is never going to leave Alpha/Early Access. Don't give Devs free passes for being lazy with balancing or fixing bugs just because they slap some label on it.

    You've got a point, but you can't really call the devs lazy right now as it has only been out for a few days. If they don't fix it in a week or so then you could call them lazy.

  4. 4 hours ago, SonyTwan said:

    I've played and won a couple of games and it seems alright.
    I'm bored of PUBG and don't like building in Fortnite.
    Will be down to play at some point.

    Some classes much stronger than others right now but ofc only alpha

    Which classes do you think are the most OP? I've been using hunter and the legendary seems to do 1000 damage nearly all hits.

  5. Since I haven't seen about it yet, here I am.

    I played a tiny bit recently and have to say that this new royal game is actually pretty fun. Also, fortnite has been getting boring for me so this is a good way for me to carry on playing other battle royal games. This game has loads of nice mechanics that make it have a unique feel instead of just another copy of fortnite, for example the forgery and Armour. Although, this game only have a duos and squad mode which means you can only go solo with fill or solo squads/duos. Meaning it's a bit hard to get into.

    But, I doubt any game will ever get as big as fortnite and my friends are probably going to just stick to playing that. Yay.


  6. 55 minutes ago, Finnley said:

    He peaks, shoots, then instead of returning to cover he builds cover. Then while hard-peaking (kind of) he does the same thing a bunch of times, which is probably the most efficient way possible to get that kill. Mechanically perfectly executed, which is insanely hard.

    Whelp then it's confirmed, I am just stupid.

  7. On 20/05/2018 at 23:16, Finnley said:

    Everytime I think people can't get better at this game:



    I may just be stupid, but it looks like hes just building on-top of him over and over then editing. Either way I could never do that.

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