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Everything posted by Finnley

  1. @Jak Well, what are you going to do right now?
  2. aka you are not going to do anything rn
  3. dw they won't, because they never do shit... point and case
  4. It literally has always been the point, every time we have arguments about what is going to change in this community. Nobody ever wants to actually do something, but people always complain. Seen it up-close back when..
  5. How 'bout, instead of bitching about switching. You guys start raising funds and use it to keep Teamspeak alive? Maybe along with a petition. Everyone is always eager to voice his opinion about everything, but nobody actually does something. Which is probably the most exhausting part of leading this community. Don't come asking me for money. Just sayin'
  6. It's not worse either. And free....
  7. Discord is pretty good. Why pay for something if the better solution is free? ?Mintlou
  8. Can I have some of those pics?
  9. Don't feel bad, majority of the population is...
  10. He peaks, shoots, then instead of returning to cover he builds cover. Then while hard-peaking (kind of) he does the same thing a bunch of times, which is probably the most efficient way possible to get that kill. Mechanically perfectly executed, which is insanely hard.
  11. Yes, angery emote sounds good!
  12. Absolutely started hating this game. However, now with the shopping carts it's focking amazing! It won't win you a game, but I haven't had this much fun in Fortnite in a while. Creds to Epic
  13. Everytime I think people can't get better at this game:
  14. ? Did I not just thank Chus?
  15. LOL! Your hype is priceless. ty4dis
  16. When is league of legends Battle Royale?
  17. please do not compare these two.
  18. Can we have this pea brain emoji just for Jak plis?
  19. Answer: it got deleted cuz it lags browsers.
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