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Everything posted by Ameme

  1. Ameme

    save surf

    There is no upper class of OB. In seriousness though surf shouldn't be closed its a server like the other clans of CSS have that the regular players swap between, people who actively play blaze,tmf and hell don't always just stick to their servers they swap about due to the map they enjoy or dislike. If more people knew about OB surf they would regularly swap between the servers.
  2. That's a very unique name you have there. Pls expla1n why u ch0s3 that name. But asides from that welcome to the community I hope to see you in game when the servers are back up xo
  3. Biggles also saved it as a creative name 'mintgay.png' x)
  4. Enjoy your holiday gaz. Have a good time :-)
  5. Well it sure is a shame Wayne, I can only wish you the best of luck with what you are doing and hope you do enjoy the time. You will be missed - sincerely Ameme xoxoxo
  6. Just get a simple phone thats cheap and reliable like the JCB phone its great for rough usages: its touchscreen. It can text it does everything you need.
  7. Rugby: Do you support a team? Do you play for a team? If so what position? That is all xo Otherwise welcome to the forums I am yet to see you on the servers but when I do I'm sure it will be an enjoyable experience. Welcome enjoy your stay.
  8. He uses paint guys. No animated images Q_Q or Fancy gradients e.t.c If this is for yourself I recommend tiny's idea then add some curved text around the cloud with 'kavelija' on the top half of the cloud and 'akatsuki' on the lower half with a nice colour to the text maybe a purple - dark red would look good. I'm happy to attempt at making you a spray - however I am kind of bad with the distort tools on GIMP. Just add me on steam and give me a shout if you would like anything: rawran
  9. Ameme


    Mine and UnSeens school is very basic... We don't have these fancy subjects for offer.
  10. Ameme


    You really should do something creative, it can be much use in many jobs. I to had problems with my options switching from option to option - however I struggled to choose besides geography and art but my school were helpful enough to give you art as a 5th option, not sure if this is possible for you but its worth talking to someone about it. My options then ended up with: Sport Studies, History, French, and Geography.
  11. This is beautiful gaffeR. I appreciate the effort you put in x-)
  12. http://www.mediafire.com/download/2fynz ... oo+pic.gif this is the link to a quick spray i just did. ( Its kinda bad but oh well i am sure you can work with it) Anyway you can convert it to .vtf or whatever transparent feature you want. You may also need to resize it, which can be found here > http://resizepic.com However for the feature i used for mine and BloodyGamers spray > http://image.online-convert.com/convert-to-tga Once again this is thanks to LambO you posted the tutorial and the links to various helpful websites His original post can be found here > viewtopic.php?f=45&t=3301&hilit=sprays If your not very smart just watch a few you-tube videos and that will help :-) enjoy
  13. Welcome bloody, enjoy your stay x
  14. This is for bloody gamer <3 http://www.mediafire.com/download/249rk ... w_hope.tga If you don't know how to insert into your game then go to: Steam > Steamapps > ACCOUNT NAME > Counter Strike-Source > Cstrike, then just drag and drop the image into the file and there you have it ^^ Enjoy bloody. And Aara i may try on yours again, since i have recently got GIMP and its a much better program for this.
  15. Ameme

    Cube world

    Kinky. But jokes aside this game looks pretty damn good. Most likely going to get.
  16. Ameme


    Never watched a game of tennis, probably never will. But 'ye' well done team :-)
  17. Welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay.
  18. That is the most beautiful thing I have seen to this day with a violin. I'm no good with instruments and music... Grade 4 double bass ftw *yey*
  19. Ameme

    Doe's Gallery

    More pictures ploX And I want to see any attempt at these hideous mugs that have been placed here. Request: would like a picture of a lightly etched tunnel with brick layered on the edge and various means of transport going by. I am waiting.
  20. Ameme

    !votekick And !voteban

    Ahhh shame, he was nice
  21. Awww *plays sad violin music*
  22. Gib full selfie so I may judge your masculinity and test this 9monthes boxing. Anyway hiya Brittney xoxo
  23. Ameme

    !votekick And !voteban

    +1 to that. (( who was banned D: ))
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