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Everything posted by Scrobbesbyrig

  1. Something amazing about orchestral dubstep, maybe due to old & new music types coming together to destroy our ears is a thing of beauty? I don't even know. Orchestra still beats all though.
  2. I'm filled with guilt when I handed this game in, I just want to hear this tune, one more time, in game, as I proceed to kick somebodys ass with Objections.
  3. I woud like to be a part of this team. I wont be able to record, but I do have a podcast Microphone from my dads translating day's. I could probably use that, I like to play games, and sometimes, I speak to myself while playing about flaws, Advantages, due to the fact I want to remember why I love/hate aspects of the game. So basically, count me in, I have nothing else to do with my time.
  4. The Raptor Mod is beautiful, it makes everything so much more hardcore. I mean, its not everyday you get to see 4 dino's smashing a infecteds head in with a Cricket Bat. I just wished somebody put a tophat and a monocle on them all to get the true, classical feeling of Dino's in their prime.
  5. This made me want to tear out my eyeballs in embarrassment. If you guys can last the entire time without cringing, I'll name you my god.
  6. Like the look of The Ship, but if my computer can't handle FC3 I guess it can't handle FC3:BD, Strange though, my computer can handle Crysis 2 but not FC3.
  7. I keep tabs on every random that Joins CT as they join the server, just in case one of them does cause a problem, A longer method, but it gives me access to the ID straight away, and they are dealt with later on.
  8. Happy Birthday McLovin! Have a good day and get thorougly PISSED!
  9. Be ready for a good, scary game anytime Venga-vaby
  10. Yeah, you can just download it from the front page on the Store! It reads third-party, but its now fully free.
  11. So a horror-thriller game has just been released on steam called Cry of Fear, this game is your natural horror game and it was released as a Half Life 1 modification. However, it is now a standalone game you can now just download for free. Due to the fact it has a co-op, and I like people knowing I'm a little bitch about horror games, with friends or not. Anybody up for hearing me whimper like a little girl as we see some shit? The crappy MODY 2010 trailer somebody made for it, but nonetheless gives you sort of an idea what co-op is like (completely different story)
  12. Best plan ever Prof. I'll blatantly spam Symphony No.9 Beethoven and Speak about the better days of |OB| When I wasn't here :'(
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bu8I239BxXI Because I'm the Personal Classical Radio for you gui'z. I just love my Orchestral.
  14. Patient, Freak, Friendly, Paranoid, Jerk-in-real-life.
  15. Happy birthday Cash! Hope it was a good & proper Night!
  16. Shieettt, I still got room to try this out I guess, I guess I will play it from time to time, but I will probably spend most days playing my strat games. But I'll make room for you Huntley <3
  17. Sweet dude, plenty of fun nights with this guy, knows a lot of members & gets along with many regulars! It would definitly benefit the community to have this guy! However, I will not argue with admins decision! +1 from me! :D
  18. Great guy, Plays often, A few funny nights, A late player (sometimes) and could probably be a effective member for those times. +1 from me!
  19. sign me up because I got angry that it wasnt Infinite but still sort of happy that its a remake of a classic game although its quite buggy.
  20. Just saw AoE 2 HD, I will probably get that, so if you guys get that, I'll be willing to play with you guys! :D
  21. I saved my ass at the end of your indian spam. U HAV NO SKILL FGT FIGT ME IRL. If you haven't noticed, me & daffy play a bit, so I guess I could play once in a while on some Total War
  22. I might get it as well, I just have to get off my lazy ass to go down to the shop!
  23. Very slowly, Britain is turning into Canada/Norway. I predict by the end of next year, we'll be seeing Wooly mammoths. Becuz evolushuns.
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