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Daffy Duck

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Everything posted by Daffy Duck

  1. dooooooododododooood shaaallllaa
  2. brother bought it for me, got it installed but havent had a chance to play. cant wait!
  3. Guys. I love this guy. I think you'd all agree that he would make an excellent addition to our family. I can definitely vouch for him. +1000
  4. Cod Battlechest (alright, so that kinda counts as 3) and Battlestations: Midway Nothing big, but it's the thought that counts!
  5. Just want to say that Keiji Motori (you've likely seen him on the servers) is an absolute lad of a guy who has very kindly bought me 2 games off the Steam Store. If you ever decide to join us, you definitely have my +1
  6. Me and my brother also played Monopoly. Bristol edition.
  7. Anyone else having trouble connecting to steam? I'm signed in, but I have no connection to the steam servers itself. Anyone else have this or is it just me?
  8. little spoof of Ross Kemp me and my friends made
  9. Just thought I'd say it before anyone else did, you're a decent lad, but the age requirement is 15. Sorry mate :(
  10. I know there was a thread lying about regarding custom forum titles but I can't see it and can't be bothered to search for it. Long story short: Could I have mine as 'The Real Daffy Duck' ??!?!
  11. This investigation just took another turn.
  12. Daffy Duck


    I was just kicking the ball here. I've been about a while and there's still a few I avoid because I wouldn't have a clue how to.
  13. Daffy Duck


    I 'spose, but if you were the T that was choosing it; It's unlikely you'd choose an LR game you didn't know how to play.
  14. Working mainly around Christmas, I'm being cheap as I'm saving for Australia next year. :)
  15. Daffy Duck


    Just a thought (although I'm not certain whether this has been done) but would it be worth having a thread or maybe something on the server itself which explains the concept of each LR game? Some are straight forward, I know. But some are like "What?!?!" it's wabbit season.
  16. You look alright, buy me a beer and you're in +1
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