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  1. u know the only times iv ever seen thomas on the server hes been abusive and rude to evryone :/ makes u think
  2. thomas that is complete ballshit. i stated that i was dyslexic then u continued to insult me about it witch is y i got so angry because im fucking fed up with it... now i know there has been alot of complaints about thomas i dont know y something hasn't been done about him... and the first time? dont kid urself... meny meny times this has happend. oh and befor u move someone off ct might wna tell them y next time....
  3. this is mainly a complaint about Thomas Riley but it is also about others who names i cba to remember, basicly prity much evrytime i come onto the server i get abuse about my spelling and anything els they can manage, im getting fed up with it, like i was asked to move away from a spot that alowed me to cover over the whole cell area and cover it with a sniper witch i did and to good use as i saw things the 2 other cts didnt see, so i said no this is a good advantage point i can look over u both and im not inn danger of being knifed i can concentrate on then suviving so as a result the admin switched my teams becaus i would move away form a posistion that alowed me to cover the other cts... puts me off comeing on the server anymore, i find myself looking whos on the server befor joining sometimes to make sure sertan people arnt on and im done with this now
  4. pixle

    Bill Gates

    gill gates can do die he set us back 15 years in computer technology by investing in intel in the last 70s i believe? not sure but he used his money to fuck up the computer industry imagine where we would be if he invested in something that was good quality instead of the cheapest shit there was around at the time, dont give me intel r amazing now yes they r any company would if they had bill gates backing them, x box only good thing to come out of microsoft
  5. hey i watched this film the other day called primer, omg this film u have to watch it! ill post a link, basically this film is all about time travel and gets very very very complex, u will watch half this film being like errr? then when u realise something els comes up that just throws u again :p the film link: http://www.1channel.ch/watch-917-Primer so if u seen this or about to watch it we can discus it and how messed up it is XD and maybe make a few suggestions on other films like this, ill keep a list of them in the first post :D film list:
  6. so i found this game on steam frontline tactics, its a free game works on mac so i guess pc as well :p never a seen a mac exclusive game yet so :p, but ye i loved this game when i started to play it but as i get more money and better equipment the missions just got so hard i cant progress any further :( anyone els played this game?
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