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Daffy Duck

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Everything posted by Daffy Duck

  1. This is a bit weird, even for you. This won't be considered at all since you attempted to impede on somebody's private information. You didn't step over the line, you jumped a whole mile over it. Unless this is overruled by Conor or Unseen, this ban won't be lifted.
  2. Havent heard a complaint, soooooo..... Yet another cycling photo. SO DEAL WITH IT.
  3. Daffy Duck

    TS Reserv

    There is a backup server that Unseen has the IP for, mate. I would give it, but I'm on campus doing some late night work right now. Sorry!
  4. Not going to uni m9 :P I dont like geography either... ^ Going to sell knives for a living?
  5. Pls. Coffee > Tea anyday. History? fuck that. I remember in a history class I had like 4 years ago, I had to design and make a castle from cardboard so i cheated and bought a book with the peaces to build your own castle LMAO. Yeah when you get to university that becomes a really interesting subject. We call it 'Geography'
  6. Tea first and then I'll move onto the Coffee. History essays are solid.
  7. lmfao. Youre getting there daffy, youre getting there... just 8 more episodes of top gear to go. Started on the 3rd episode and brewing the kettle. Essay currently stands at 200 words.
  8. Yeah cheers mate, so far this morning I've read 10 pages and watched 2 episodes of Top Gear
  9. At least we can all get on with assignments which are due in the next week and are yet to start. 7000 words by next thursday. Oh wait. That's me.
  10. Apologies all. Blyss hit the wrong button and basically f*cked us over. We're doing our best to rectify this whilst Unseen plays League of Legends and Conor takes a nap. Regards,
  11. If you ever wondered what JB was like on CS Source, then feast your eyes on this. The one and only conor is even in it (although I forgot).
  12. we have the same birthday! (sort of) p.s welcome!
  13. Total War series - turned based strategy game(s) where you country a state and make it powerful.
  14. Are you after 'free' games or are you willing to spend some £££? Trackmania is a pretty good little racing game, but brings in a lot of speed/stunts/jumps etcetc. It's really cool and still quite popular. (Trackmania nations forever is the free variant - whilst there are payable versions) Farming simulator?
  15. How early do you mean by early? I normally see someone online or on the server quite late who can deal with the issue. Otherwise, unfortunately, it's just one of those things where we cant 100% deal with it because of timings for admins who are tucked up in their comfy comfy beds.
  16. in-depth review please also, whats your favourite colour?
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