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Everything posted by Nigel

  1. its awesome, but.... if you do it, you wont have a life anymore
  2. Yes... To !redie or not to !redie, that is the question
  3. Nigel

    Away Thread

    ill be away tomorrow from 10-10:30
  4. well you set a redie spawn area outside, so they don't interfere with cells, and if you get stuck you just type !redie again to re spawn. I think at first people might commit suicide to go do climb etc, but when they've done that a few times they would rather live to join in. Because they might as well have created the server in offline mode otherwise.
  5. not be able to turn your head, because at least you wouldn't look like a dick Would you rather watch your parents have sex every night for the rest of your life OR join in once to make it stop?
  6. well the best thing is, is that its optional, so you can either spectate or mess around
  7. while your at it, add gore mod :) http://gamebanana.com/css/tools/342
  8. more info... http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=129735
  9. +1 The only problem I can think of is cell doors... But then I suppose you could specify the !redie spawn on each map Also, you can get the console to suppress certain commands, like at the moment with commands beginning with "/" Also also, I used to surf alot on servers with !redie, and the living players have no concept at all of dead players (e.g. noise etc)
  10. I wake up, do a poo, then go back to bed
  11. thats why you do it in safe mode, so you can remove it
  12. If your so cold, i think you should invest in a duvet
  13. Nigel

    Fart > Flashlight

    I think instead of 'f' being for flashlight, it should make the guy do a fart
  14. I think it will be interesting to see what people do outside of css... e.g. school, work, hobo, prison officer(?)
  15. just run your computer in safe mode, then run a command line anti-virus scanner (avg etc)
  16. Oooo i7 is nice :) Custom Built i5 750 16GB DDR3 Ram ATI Radeon HD4670 Corsair 128GB SSD + 1TB Samsung 24" monitor
  17. Nigel


    I'm all for skins, but I think if you a T they should only be able to be seen by other T's. Because the amount of times I rebel and get back to the stack and the CT's know exactly who to shoot. Whereas if I had no skin they wouldn't...
  18. Nigel


    you can change the cvar's to make more blood, and when you kill people there bits go everywhere
  19. Nigel


    On my old surf server, i had goremod installed. Just wanted to say i think its awesome :P http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=67863
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