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Everything posted by Setsail

  1. I know this isn't on your list but I would get the Samsung Series 7 Gamer.
  2. Hey guys turned out the Mayans were wrong - happy not end of the world day.
  3. Setsail


    I think my favourite Mashup by Mashup-Germany must be this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUe4tFF0HO0
  4. :lol: of course I can offer my knowledge and help. Just know that it'll be whenever I can find time.
  5. That video caused a bit of a stir a while ago but I haven't heard anything since. I remember notch saying it was impossible and that anyone that believed it was an idiot etc. I think it sounds too good to be true and they've been too quiet too long for me to have any hope.
  6. I find if you change the word Islam to aslan it not only makes the text funnier but it also makes just as much sense.
  7. Seeing as I've made an application to be member now I thought I'd give a proper introduction now. :D Name: James (I'm not going to give my last name, people will spend the rest of the thread making strange names up :lol: ) CSS History: I started playing CSS about 3 years ago, in the beginning I played mostly mixes and public, after a few months I discovered surf and joined the (now dead) clan Aurora, in the beginning I was terrible, lucky to surf down a ramp without imploding (people used to call me setfail I was that bad), anyhow I was gradually improving and then a fellow by the name hugenipple broke the server and for a time I cast adrift with no server to play so I played public. But after a month or so the server came back and I played surf again. Aurora gradually went from strength to strength under its leaders, one of whom was new (Mork). Eventually a jailbreak server was made. At around this time I met Mclovin who joined Aurora to become admin from Blaze, being new to jailbreak I was curious but found I enjoyed it immensely and played lots (even though I was shit at this as well), so much in fact that I was asked by one of the founders to become admin on the jailbreak server, which I eventually accepted and for a time it was popular and I was given admin on the surf server as well. Time passed and Aurora closed its jailbreak server and had a public one for a time but this too closed, and I became forum moderator then one of the head admins. Then the surf server started to encounter issues, lag spikes were prevalent and people started to stop playing. It was eventually decided that we get a new server and this one initially worked fine and the people that left started to come back, but then more problems arose and the server was switched again, but it never recovered, an in game shop selling hats and trails was brought in in the hope of revitalising the server but to no avail (this was around 6 months after OB was formed and OB was the only other server I regularly played on other than the Aur surf server). So Aur died and for around a month or 2 I didn't play CSS and concentrated on League and other Single player games, but I couldn't resist forever and eventually I came back and started playing on the OB server, though not much at first and I found I had begun to enjoy my time here and after a few months made an application to be a member which is where we are today. Hobbies/likes and dislikes: I enjoy learning and my job well suits me because of that. I work as a technical leader which means I handle the technical parts of IT project but it also means I'm expected to be a leader in a specific field (in my case coding and software) which means I am always learning more coding languages and learning new things about new software products as they become available in case they may be beneficial to the company. In any case I have come to be proficient in a number of programming languages including; C#, visual Basic, Java, SQL (If you count that), SAP ABAP, OCaml, C basic, Perl and others that I am capable in but to a lesser extent (on a related note never ever learn OCaml - it will drive you insane with boredom.), I enjoy reading, though I was much faster in the past, in the last few years my eyesight has started to fail a little so I cannot read as fast as I would like (I used to buy books from whsmith in the morning and take them back in the afternoon). I also enjoy playing chess and was at on point at a semi professional level but I didn't have the time to continue. I play multiple instruments but mainly the Saxophone and Piano. I think that's all for my buffed up introduction. See you in-game. :D
  8. Only the Sith deal in absolutes!
  9. I play that on my saxophone sometimes. Awesome tune :D
  10. Whilst i can understand your sentiment Biggles, How would any of that help stop these kind of acts? He was an English born man who went to university so he was hardly uneducated. Not allowing the building of mosques would stop people who have no connection with this incident from practicing their faith when this seems to be more the work of an unbalanced individual than someone who killed for his religion. White British people have done worse than this. If you remember derrick bird who went on a shooting spree a while back if he had pronounced himself a stoic catholic would you have asked for churches to stop being built? If you compare the doctrines of the bible against any other religion they''re deplorable so it isn't the fault of religion (much as I would like to stamp out religion in almost all its forms) most of the time it's just really unbalanced individuals using religion as an excuse. It's not that religion is the cause its just the easiest excuse. True religion can cause people do terrible things sometimes but I don't think it was the cause this time.
  11. I think he was joking phoenix. Wasn't he?
  12. Ooh a League thread. If you want to play my user is Daradex (Setsail was taken :( ) but I warn you I am really really rather bad despite my level. And that's probably an understatement.
  13. And I'll review your reviews :D
  14. Currently listening to this. Going to the download festival this year and I discovered this band going through the line up. Awesome music. :D
  15. Interesting thread. I guess I can grant you a look at my mug shot :D
  16. The search for knowledge is all I think we have, excluding time and the proportions of each are so far opposed it hardly seems fair. But then there seems little order or balance to anything, we sleep too much and dream too little the fascismile of life that we live day to day cast into shadow by the depth we could have and yet we refuse to keep an order which we barely understand but seem to crave. (read above in Morgan Freeman's voice) TL;DR - I was threatended to right somethings by some inconsistent smilies.
  17. Good evening everyone. I believe I already know many of you but for those I don't know my name is Setsail and I enjoy playing CSS and multiple other things. I hope to play on the jailbreak server as much as I can and entertain you all with my non-sensical ramblings. As a side note could a site admin change my usernames to setsail, in all the excitement of registering I seem to have mispelt my own name. :) Good day to you all.
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