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Everything posted by Lynet

  1. Schould really add me or storm on steam, for the event!
  2. Lynet

    suggestion for pb

    Totaly no from me D= Me love rebeeling<3
  3. Lynet


    League of legends, i think its gonna take to long. that is just me tought.
  4. well those 3 was just teamswitching but sure, go ahead.
  5. Well ye, As i saw, grief have been banned 3 times for constantly switching to ct after beeing switched to t. so he deservs that ban:p Dont forget akuma, u got help from me!:O Well this is been sorted now so:)
  6. biggles u schould wash them 10 times a day, not just 1 :o
  7. STAY ON TOPIC GUYS! half deaf Would u rather be a boy or a girl? lol
  8. EDIT OF SHAME BY ADMIN: This user is completely, utterly USELESS and has made this post which has no meaning to the designated thread. As an admin team our advice to this user is to: Advice : I think you know lynet. Useless post is useless.
  9. IGN: Ке฿α฿αى☻☻ツ Reson: Freekilling Lenght: 3 days Advice, dont killl ts inside cells when there is no order given
  10. im playing it now, its fun:3 50 % or something lol have never completed the game before, cuz i get stuck on a damn mission,
  11. black, my fav color:3 would u rather kill mclovin or kriss?
  12. Lynet


    and u have !models or how u say it, that changes ur skin lol
  13. wtf is going on here, story telling? lol Have an orange name
  14. IGN: ÄiJöö Reson: Freekilling Ban Expired IGN: Captain McTavish Reson: Freekilling Ban Expired IGN: Beast | Precision Reson: Freekilling Ban Expired IGN: YURI Reson: Freekilling Ban Expired IGN: KuRd On FirE Reson: Freekilling Ban Expired IGN: Danneh Reson: Freekilling Ban Expired Here is my missing ctbans.
  15. Lynet


    U mean annyoing orange right? LOL
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