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The Challenge (TV show)

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I've always wondered if anyone watches this show in this community. I personally love it although it has been going to shit since they started to cast people from AYTO and so the episodes are more focused on the typical reality show drama than the actual competition between the players. It's also due to the fact that most vets stopped showing up on these due to various reasons(got married,work,w.e).

If you don't know this show then I def recomended giving it a try. I've watched every single season from 8-29 and I would say that the best ones are around 11-23 or so.

General overview taken from wikipedia:

A season's typical multitude of cast members are usually divided up into separate

teams according to a certain criteria, which varies from season to season. The criteria that teams have been arranged by over the show's history have ranged all across the board, from gender of the contestants and original show of contestants to bad guy/good guy status of contestants and ex-romantic partners of contestants. Each of the opposing teams compete in numerous missions in order to win prizes and advance in the overall game. Following each mission, a team or a cast member is voted into an elimination round to take on the least successful team from the previous mission. In elimination rounds, they must compete against one another to determine which one is eliminated from the season. Each season has its own, very distinct elimination round, distinguished from those of other seasons in title, design, and general atmosphere. Determining which two teams or two cast members are sent into the episode's elimination round frequently leads to drama and contestants playing the game dirty; this is due to the show's contestants being in charge of who is thrown into elimination rounds. Like that of The Real World, sporadically throughout the course of each episode, various contestants are seen privately expressing themselves through reality TV confessionals about the events taking place on the show.

The reason why I love this show so must is obviously the challenges but also the mind games and decisions that have to be made throughout the game. Winning a challenge in a format where the winner gets to pick a team to go into elimination isn't always a good thing. You usually want to pick a good team to go into it so they might be eliminated but you have to keep in mind that if they win the elimination they'll be back and they'll(+any alliances that they have) come after you. Picking a bad team isn't very good either because they're good to keep til late game so you have better chances of not comming last in a challenge or if you somehow have to go into elimination you might go against them so you have a good chance of comming back.

Also, when you have to pick a team to go into elimination a bunch of teams will always come beg you for mercy, here is where you make alliances and enemies. This gets really tricky towards the mid/ending phase because you end up having to betray your own alliance to save a close friend/yourself. This is where the GOOD drama comes from and it's what it's lacking on the current seasons. Insted we just get a bunch of drama over boyfriends and random insults like every reality show.

The finals are very interesting. The last 3/4 teams have to compete in a bunch of different challenges, these are usually related to the theme of the season or to the challenges that they previously competed in and it gets really extreme. I personally wouldn't be able to finish some of the finals even if I was in my top form. It's THAT hard.

Sorry for the long post and the shit wording but I just got home 2h ago and haven't slept yet.Most of you won't give a fuck but this show is def underrated and now that it's going to shit I believe that it deserves some credit. If you want more info just google/ask me.

tl;dr: watch this shit u fucks

tl;dr: watch this shit u fucks

Edited by Blyss

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I would say "I don't mean to be rude but...", but actually I don't care: This sounds like TV for morons who not only don't want to think for themselves, but actually are not mentally capable of cognitive thought whatsoever. It pains me that something like this can get funding when intelligent, funny, interesting programmes are canned by networks because of low ratings. It's idiocracy in the making.

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