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Team games

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So I was going to write a thread about exams and all that shit, but I wasn't exactly sure where it was going so I decided to just talk about team games.

You get a large variety of team games, with many things changing in each one. From changes in team size to changes in actual gameplay mechanics like movement and fighting, these games can be almost completely unrelatable. But they will, obviously, always have one thing the same at the core - the fact that they are a team game. And, whilst many people just look at team games in a simple manner- "oh, i have some other scrubs who don't shoot at me", it's amazing how in-depth team games can be.

When I say in-depth, I mean tactics. Yes, insane skill, game knowledge, map knowledge etc can take you far in a game. But at the very top level, if your team is bad or doesn't know how to work as a team, you are generally screwed when faced up against another decent team with good team communication. For example, in cs:go. Callouts are important things. A callout can save your life when you're looking the wrong way, or even entirely screw up the round when someone calls for a premature rotate. Even at slightly lower level, team play can be very important. For another example, MOBAs like Dota, League, etc. I don't play them as much myself, but after playing a fair amount of Smite, and playing at a decent level as well (Somehow Plat V, despite how shit I was), it becomes obvious where team play has made some insane plays possible. Like a large AoE stun from one person right after someone pulls the entire team with one move, followed by an insane burst ultimate. Some crazy things can happen when your team helps each other out.

So team games are more than just an excuse to have some people not shooting at you. Making a skilled game team based can add all the more skill, although in certain games it can also lower the amount of skill needed. Team games are also there because it means that you cannot just be a one-man legend all the time. Although you may be able to pull your team through some tough matches, sometimes your team will just not be able to perform at your level, or vice versa, and so games will be lost simply because not everyone play as well as each other. And that brings me onto things like the scoreboard, specifically on cs:go.

Many people look at the scoreboard and think, the higher up, the better. And this is mostly true. But what they don't realize is that the scoreboard does not show everything a player is doing. If one person is throwing flashes and smokes to allow other players on the team to get easy kills, they are certainly helping the team, but the scoreboard doesn't look at that. If, in a 2v1, one player sacrifices themselves, when both players peak the one left, so that the other can secure the kill, surely that means that it was an effort from both of them. If one had decided not to peak because "they might die", then the round certainly could have gone differently. In a lot of matches, there is going to be that one player who is not doing particularly well k/d wise, but before you insult them for being bad, make sure you see what they're doing first. If they're sitting in a corner being retarded, or missing easy shots, fair enough. But if THEY'RE the one who throws the flashes and smokes, and THEY'RE the one who makes sure to secure kills, even if it means sacrificing themselves, make sure that you think a second time before you insult them.

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This is really good, totally agree. It's rly annoying when people just put players down just because of their k/d. It does frustrate me a lot maybe more than the actual player getting abused. Thanks for the post, it was rly nice to read :D

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That's why you play RTS games or SP games. There will always be a community behind it :D

What about the MMORPG's? You need precise co-ordination with your guildies if you're ever going to get through the raids.

MMOs are noice. I've got back into playing Pirates of the Burning Sea and that community feel with the RvR aspect is really good.

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But no, on an actually serious note:

Multiplayer games, especially team based games, are always going to be infinitely more diverse and complex than any solo or 1v1 game. On a very basic level of thought, whatever can happen in a 1v1 game can happen with every single interaction within a team game which can then ripple out to cause something else to happen. More people = more complexity.


1 goalie vs 1 striker: you vs them, ball either goes in the goal or not.

11 players vs 11 players: you, Player A vs Guy 1; you run past him, someone else is there then it's you vs Guy 2; you pass to Player B who is then vs Guy 3; guy 3 is between him and a Player C and intercepts the ball; Guy 3 is then vs Player C but Guy 3 has the ball. You're not even close to the goal yet.


1 v 1: shoot the other person first

5 v 5: you know how it goes...

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Nice, I agree with almost everything. And it's such a coincidence I just started playing Natural Selection 2 again. For those who don't know what the game is, it's about marines vs aliens (to put in a simple way) and it's like a mix between fps and moba and strategy (some kind of strange orgy right there hehe). Each team has a commander, he builds things for his team, while the team tries to capture as many resource extractors as possible (so the team can grow faster and kill the other team). The thing is, 20% of the game is how good you are at killing enemies, the rest is about how you coordinate with your team, or at least that's how I see it(and a lot of more players).

On the other hand, there are games that you can play as a team, or as you were playing alone, like cs:go or LoL (although even playing DuoQ is already a pretty big improvement) and in higher ranks (gold, platinum, etc. (I'm not talking about cs:go because I haven't played it as much as LoL)) you MUST play as a team if you want to win (Unless, you have a fed LeBlanc* ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ).

* Last time I played, LeBlanc was exaggeratedly OP, I don't know if she's still OP.

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I don't think there is that much complexity and theoretical backdrop on a game like starcraft versus counter strike global offensive. However, I do agree that more individuals controlling the elements of a game make the game more complex in layman terms. Reason why I don't like playing that much team games is because of tendency of toxicity and miscommunication, not to mention constant parade of obstacles in having a happy mannerly structure of players that will always cooperate together. I prefer to not lose nerve cells because someone can play with words and publicly belittle me or someone else. If I plan to play a game I have paid with my own money, I have no reason to hear or read shitposts because the game is suppose to make me relax and anger me.

Natural Selection 2 is even a bigger tower to climb when there are 2 distinct roles in gameplay, the base management one, and the fps one.

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Multiplayer games, especially team based games, are always going to be infinitely more diverse and complex than any solo or 1v1 game. On a very basic level of thought, whatever can happen in a 1v1 game can happen with every single interaction within a team game which can then ripple out to cause something else to happen. More people = more complexity.

It somewhat reminds me of modelling interactions between sub-atomic particles. With one or two, it is simplistic, but as you add more and more, it gets exponentially more difficult with the interactions of every single other particle.

CS:GO definitely requires a mix of skill and teamwork, if you callout well and try to strategise where the enemies weakest point is, you can definitely increase the chances of winning. However, at the end of the day, it still comes down to some fire fights, where there is very little teamwork and so I would argue that a large amount of skill is required. It's an interesting concept whether team games would help competitive skill more than just playing more CS:GO.

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