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Need an admin?

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Hi everyone.

The scenario

Today i want to identify and address a problem I am seeing on a regular basis, it happens almost every time i respond to a call for admin on the server.

I get a message saying Freekiller, Mic spam, racism, etc one or any combo, believe me i'v seen it. I know this happens to the rest of the admin team also, to what extent they see it as a problem i dont know.

so i respond to the call by joining "undercover" that is OFFLINE and using a different name. (you might ask why offline? well people. sadly admins have a lot of people on their friends lists who may or may not be there for the same reasons. in my case there are often people there who I have had to add for talk to about a problem with their behavior on the server. and these may be the people causing the problem again!) So i arrive in the game and before i have had a chance to really see what is happening. someone has shouted "HEY GUYS, ITS SHOLTO" or "DONT WORRY GUYS ADMIN IS ON NOW" so what happens next?

The Current Outcome

well the person "freekilling, mic spamming, lagging the server, etc" will immediately stop. So I can not ban them. This would not be half as bad if someone had got a demo, but 99.9% of the time NO ONE HAS A DEMO. this is annoying to a point you would not understand.

take Daemonic for example i have numerous reports of him breaking server rules repeatedly, and if what is stated above didn't happen EVERY SINGLE TIME, he would have been perm banned by now.


If you know there is an admin on any you want to communicate with them. activate TEAMchat "U" then start your sentence with the "@" symbol. this will mean any admin on will be able to read it, without attracting too much attention, also the admin will be able to message you back with a "private message".

so next time an admin comes on "undercover" say nothing! if you want to see if there is an admin on or you have your suspicions just message admins. if you don't get a response its cause we're busy. do NOT take it to the mic!


Barry has an instructional video taking you step by step through how to record a demo find the file etc.

a quick written instruction;

to start - open console type "record" then hit enter

to stop - open console type "stop"

to review your demo - open console type "demoui" then load the record you wish to view

Locating the "demo" files - they will be in your "Cstrike" folder.

The New Outcome/conclusion

I would like to see a reduction in the amount of admins time that gets wasted. I think members and regulars underestimate exactly how much they CAN do. not only can you and the other members/players get someone banned through voteban, but u can actually put it on record by recording a demo. This means the voteban which currently on its own holds NO official record. (remember as it is, that kid that got away with whatever he was doing, he comes back again and does it again. this is a continuous cycle because they never get caught.) I would like people to record demos BEFORE voteban where reasonably possible!

remember you cant vote ban for not breaking the rules. so if they are breaking the rules record it and it can be kept as a record, if this happens on a regular basis. regular trolls will find them selves with a perm ban much faster. subsequently improving the game for you and everyone else.

in short, Help us keep a good clean server because at the moment we are making it harder for ourselves than it needs to be.

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