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Posts posted by Anthony

  1. 5 hours ago, gaffeR said:

    I am the complete opposite of Jak and possible the nicest guy within outbreak. 

    But if it was up to me you would be in the kitchen and not on TS. 


    Back in the days women were expected to be in the kitchen and the males were suppose to work and provide for their families, if you feel as though things should be as in the past; 50% of nowadays males need to get their finger out their arse and work, benefits are nice but shouldn't be the main income.

  2. 1 hour ago, Toby. said:

    Sound like a nice person, so are you like a god at League or Legends or something, considering you are "studying" it full time, ;)

    What rank are you and do you main any role; personally i like mid/ supp but trying to change it up a bit.

    Anyway have a nice time, Welcome to the Library that is the forums of Outbreak!

    Gold V atm, I deranked a whole lot after playing with some shiet friends, but hey, I can only blame myself for playing Support. ;)

  3. 6 hours ago, VENGA BUS said:

    Do you think traps are gay? @Mintlou doesn't think they are but I'm not so sure.

    Stop being such an ignoramus. There is a colossal difference between finding a male wearing a dress attractive, and a man which defies all logic which naturally sounds and physically looks like a girl as being attractive.

  4. 6 hours ago, IrishChamp said:

    Welcome, talked to you earlier in TS. Why is your flag Danish when you're in Germany? Do you need to use a proxy for some reason?

    Hope you enjoy your stay in OB :grin:

    My Boarding school lies at the border between Germany and Denmark, that's all (:

  5. At my boarding school we can choose between a couple of sub-classes such as E-sport, Japanese, Rythm, Languages and Culture. We have our own E-sport room with desktops and equipment/gear. However you can only choose between League of Legends and CS:GO, we practice our aiming skills and working as a team, we go into the micro and macro management, we have to write a report about our plays weekly. It's a bit difficult to explain since we always do something very different.


    1 hour ago, Sniffles said:

    prepare to have little to no income

    Prepare to know that I have studied business x

  6. Hello, my name is Roseline but feel free to call me Anothony

    I am currently attending a boarding school in Germany, the boarding school is for Gymnasts and E-sport players.

    I am lonely af so add my SC: princessxoxox2912 :)))) issa joke

    I love memes with a passion, I am highly specialized in them]. I play League of Legends, mount and blade: warband, L4D2, The forest, occasionally CS:GO

    I mainly play league of legends since that's the game I am studying at my boarding school, (imma godess. Send Skinzzz nod nudez).

    I've been with Outbreak for nearly half an hour now, and I must say, that I am enjoying it to the maximum. Cock-sucking much.

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