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Revan The Dragon

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Status Updates posted by Revan The Dragon

  1. Can we get an Outbreak eSports team going or some shit



  2. For anyone viewing this profile --- I'm going to be taking a break from OB.

    I've been really struggling recently to do anything, and after an event tonight I've decided to really distance myself from everyone everywhere for a while. I'll come back at some point.

    Thanks for the good times.


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. gaffeR


      Don't wear out them dragon dildos.


    3. Dank Potato

      Dank Potato

      you shall be missed brother

    4. Toby.


      see you soon dude, when you come back i hope you are able to enjoy the community in a better way

  3. I noticed that quite a few people have been trying to reach out to me to talk with me.

    I really appreciate the efforts that some people made --- I've spoken briefly with a few people. I must say I'm amazed at how people actually did that, I'm now certain OB has earned a heck-load more respect from me. That really means something to me.

    Thanks guys.

  4. I am a living, breathing meme

  5. No one will ever see this to know I'm a fat cunt

  6. Why are we still here

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