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Everything posted by Chus

  1. With all the huge new cryptocurrencies its raising graphics card prizes a shit ton. I mean just look at this shit for mining. As "gamers" none of us should be favouring cryptocurrencies unless we are investing or mining them ourselves as all its going to do is hurt us as our PC's are gonna be more expensive.
  2. Ah yes dumb me i even found the entire fake game
  3. They legit played and won yesterday?
  4. 100 Thieves actually look pretty good I would love to see them win. I wouldn't mind Liquid or Echo Fox winning as well I love me some Huni and Dardoch
  5. Chus


    But discords free tho.
  6. Chus


    Never noticed worse audio? Could just be the moderate thing. Never had experience with moderating a discord so wouldn't know :/
  7. Chus


    Whats actually wrong with discord? Why don't people like it?
  8. You just explained why its bad. No motivation to do anything, no other passion than playing games. And you explain how weed with fuck you up in school so why should it be legal for many to access in school. Yes, you may not be majorly affected by it BUT OTHERS MIGHT. didn't I make that clear? It seems you think it should be legal but maybe only after the age of 21? Would I be right in saying that's your view? Bc that's how it comes off? You probably do, you just don't realize it. Do you really think that when driving seeing, hearing and smelling things that aren't there and struggling to determine imagination from reality, having a lower reaction time and problems with coordination isn't going to hinder your safety? Chance is you probably don't but you haven't experienced this like others may have giving you a false sense of safety while driving under the influence. Source-http://www.drugfreeworld.org/drugfacts/marijuana/short-and-long-term-effects.html
  9. https://gyazo.com/cfd4e1151be15241e9c4f61cea1963be legit read that paragraph off of http://www.talktofrank.com/faq/what-drug-classification-system and it explains why alcohol should be a class a drug on its own.
  10. http://www.talktofrank.com/faq/what-drug-classification-system Class A drugs include: Heroin, Cocaine, Magic Mushrooms, MDMA, LSD to list a few http://www.drugfreeworld.org/drugfacts/lsd/the-harmful-effects-of-lsd.html http://www.drugfreeworld.org/drugfacts/cocaine/effects-of-cocaine.html https://drugabuse.com/library/the-effects-of-ecstasy-use/ Compare the severity of some of the effects of those with the effects of alcohol https://www.knowyourlimits.info/know…-effects-alcohol and you might understand why it should be a class A drug
  11. https://gyazo.com/6905e145c4cedb234d111b579e3d12a0 Never said it was completely bad.... I only said IMO that the bad outways the good In the quote what I meant was that you are probably more likely to die to the short-term risks than the long-term ones. But that's only if we are speaking about being remotely responsible. Such as only getting drunk once a week or something. In reality, its a lot different I admit as people who die in accidents relating to alcohol usually aren't responsible drinkers anyway, therefore it's irrelevant as they are going to die due to alcohol one way or another. Another thing to add on to why alcohol should also be illegal.
  12. I agree with you. Alcohol is worse than weed and it would be a class A drug and highly illegal if it weren't such a staple of human culture we have had it for far too long for it to ever be removed. I don't have any first-hand experience on if weed affects the way you act. Maby there's a study on this? Who knows, I'm actually pretty curious so would be cool to look for a study :/
  13. You claim to have never been affected by the negative side effects of what weed can (NOT WILL) do therefore only speaking from a pov which has only had a positive experience is pretty biased. Surely if you had smoked weed and gotten so hooked that you needed one every hour and it started having a detrimental effect on your life your view would be different? Yes, you may be a functional human being even though you smoke weed but others may not be? Does that make sense and seem fair? I'm genuinely curious about your opinion on how it may affect others in a state where they struggle to control their urges considering you can control yours.
  14. give me a fucking minute to reply Jesus Surely if it was illegal it would lower the chance that people want it and lower the number of people addicted as a consequence no?^ Read some of the Wikipedia article and all I picked up is that they are giving the addicts their heroin fix for free so they stop fighting other people for it because they already have it. Like what? If you have an easily digestible explanation for what this is/what it achieves would be greatly appreciated :/ (that came off kind bm but could you actually explain?)
  15. Not going to deny that it helps, especially for people with depression that makes sense and you are right in saying that nobody really dies from the weed its self but what it makes you do that kills you. Its the same with alcohol it's not the Alcohol that's going likely to kill you but what you do under the influence.
  17. Difference between being prescribed weed and being prescribed medicine? You can't just go around and get any medicine whenever you want why should weed be any different?
  18. I honestly can't tell if this is a bait or not? What are you arguing for here? What qualities do weed, alcohol, and tobacco have that compare with medication? Like none of these are going to help you when you have an infection? Medication can be hooked on ill admit but it is so vital in many peoples lives such as mine to keeping either them or their family alive. +Medications saving a lot more people than its killing anyways
  19. Ok, their legal why not add another thing for people to get hooked on and die as a consequence of it. That would be smart, wouldn't it?????
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