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Everything posted by GillzZ

  1. +1 Nice friendly guy, I personally haven't seen him be toxic at all. :)
  2. so many free killers it's just fucking annoying Player Name:Woodenspoon SteamID:STEAM_0:1:118635370 Why should he be banned: Free killing everyround. I am sure someone will back me up or report him as well... Evidence: http://www.mediafire.com/watch/23jww8a29cd3d9q/freekill3.mp4 Date of incident (to the best of your knowledge): 05/01/2016 13:25
  3. This was a tad weird but welcome ! ;)
  4. GillzZ


    That probably means you talk a normal amount instead of screaming down the mic at the first opportunity hehe :). Welcome to the forums Adam, I have probably seen you around on the server in the past since I think your name rings a bell though I can't quite remember. That is a good thing though! It's means you aren't a mic spammer or anything haha. I'm sure I'll see you properly when I return from skiing later this week. Until then, welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay!!! Hahah, i just came back from a week of skiing in Austria, i did see you a lot before that though, seem friendly, thanks.
  5. Ban Request: Player Name:Black toilet paper / Cup of Tea SteamID: STEAM_0:1:14521942 Why should he be banned: Free killing and clearly not knowing the rules, ask anyone who was there. Some names i remember - Andy, Rumple foreskin, Syro. The warden who i believe was Andy died and the was no commands being given, then goose gave a command and cup of tea kept shouting over him and then shot the T's. Watch the video very obvious it was free kill... Thanks Evidence: http://www.mediafire.com/watch/1waq8fc8rb6rfiv/FREEKILL2.mp4 Date of incident (to the best of your knowledge): 04/01/2016 around 10:40
  6. Ban Request: Player Name: ImThePro SteamID: Why should he be banned:Massive freekill, watch evidence... Evidence: http://www.mediafire.com/watch/7i2277jfhdoz1fz/freekill1.mp4 Date of incident (to the best of your knowledge):03/01/2016 around 22:40 (>)
  7. Luckily for you Gunstar is a nice guy. You still get 500 credits that he put up! Ahhh i did not see this thanks very much gunstar. Good Trivia :ugeek:
  8. Wait how come i was second, no creds #Rip
  9. GillzZ


    Welcome seen you on a lot :)
  10. ANSWER IS THIS POPEY :) answer is "Bumblebee"
  11. GillzZ


    Thanks everyone :) Hey Phil :)
  12. GillzZ


    Hello, my name is Adam or GillzZ, what ever you prefer to call me. I have been playing on the server for around 2-3 weeks and finally decided to visit the forums. I am 15 years old and enjoy playing cs. I tend to be semi-silent (imo, compared to others >.>). I am on almost every day depending on if I have sports or studying ... Anyway, I would just like to say hi and introduce myself i hope this is alright and meets the standards :) . - Enjoy Jailbreak :3 :glad2:
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