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Everything posted by Hish0t

  1. ok. i'll get in touch with cupii when he's online and see what he can do. and give you guys all the information i got.
  2. what i can do if you guys can make a list for what you want to know. me or gaz can go to cupii and ask these questions and meaby get some more information for you guys so you know what is going to happen in detail.
  3. es for for admin mod on ts gaz already has admin on the ts dR we did the trail because we want to test it for a month afther that (idk if there will be a limith to the admins mod etc) gaz can make the section to his own like. and i already pointed out that you can close channels that you dont want to see so where and how the OB is doesnt matter at all. and we can't go in rules about there ts they just have the rule that everyone is on trail for a month afther that you will get a dR logo that means your a member at that point. or Gaz needs to ask if there is a other why. it's a good thing you made that list because that are critical points that gaz needs to ask to dR admin mod rooms trails etc. you also need to see this from the point of dR if we say that we want a 1 month trail they dont want to set up al hole class for admin mods for OB and meaby afther a month it can just be delete if i doesnt go tru. the problem is now that ob dont know enough and dont have enough information on it.
  4. This thread is only for discussion and question if you dont take is seriuous dont post..
  5. I don't get why you get so pist off at the trail thing we are actually trailing them to? I don't say that OB is poor or whatever I'm saying that we can give OB more life.
  6. As for the question about getting channel at the top that can not be done. They want to most used channel at the top I was able the get OB under csgo and that was already a pain. And most ts look like there ts is normale to have suck a big ts for a multygame comm. I'm not forecing you to go on dR ts but you need to give it a shot some pp now that the pp on dR are nice and close to us they make jokes to meaby not es much es us but if you get to know them you will find out. For question about admin in ts idk of gaz already pointed this out but for the first month everyone is on trail because we want to check it out after that everyone gets member and gaz will me promoted to leader and is able to choose 3 meaby 4 operators. From that point you can do what you want with OB section make room etc. and afther all it's just a little change and a big money saver. And a opportunity to meet new pp. (I'm not saying this because of I have to from dR I say this because of my pov this is a opportunity to meaby save OB or make it bigger again) Hish0t out Any other question just ask me on ts I got a lot of info because I know Cupii very wel. EDIT: if you don't like the long ts you can just close spacers you can close you LoL division I do that makes the ts 80% less long!
  7. Disable all option to join our ts. I think most pp are still use to use our own ts.
  8. OB gathers Always end in a 15-15.
  9. Take a look at the map favella on csgo also looks like a ghetto map.
  10. 28,52 GBP (35 EUR) But that's a lot in for us. i think the max that i paid ones was 45 (EUR). But in my place and we only have 500 pp in our town we have 3-4 barber shops.
  11. Banner is old and doesn't work IP: eurots5.gameservers.com:9331
  13. Hish0t

    Away Thread

    I'll be gone from today till the 5th May. Going to Luxembourg.
  14. I like Venga's idea!! But meaby make some more roads. So you have more space for building and for the bikes to drive. Also meaby stupid meaby a parking place I mean a big one with 2 floors ( this can also work for pp who wanna do dodgy stuff. And meaby for some randomness make a little island on the sea with a light tower so somebody can own that if he wants.
  15. Looks fancy!! Meaby a Subway would be cool? Meaby not big but where everything is also connected under the ground.
  16. Meaby make I centere where no roads are with only shops and like a big open square with a little park.
  17. A good road system will be cool with good sidewalks (even I tunnels) and cross walks. Also would be cool of there where traffic lights that will work (no idea if that's possible) and also a admin area! And also with the problem with the map use now. Keep everything connected so there is no road that will just end somewhere.
  18. Hish0t

    Away Thread

    I will be gone from tomorrow till the 21th. going to Paris.
  19. Hish0t


    ow shit i have L4D2 didn't play it yet sure why not.
  20. Make it a real castle by putting the map really dark and then light it up with torches or so. Make it look scary. That would be cool. Just a idea haha
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