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Everything posted by it'sFluffySnot

  1. awesome guy, seems to be active on both the servers and the forums. easily gets my +1.
  2. I hate this guy sooooooo much and i hope he never becomes a member! JK Love you VENGA! Most amazing guy ever! Would suck his dick if I wasn't under aged! +9001
  3. the hobbit and Seven Psychopaths are both films I enjoyed watching.
  4. it'sFluffySnot


    Babby has his own server 0_o
  5. gets my +1, he is an awesome guy that's always fun to play with. Always manages to put a smile on my face when he is on :p .
  6. can i be signed up? my steam username is psn_epicnano
  7. i have some GCSE exams going on soon so i need to study. i will still go on but alot less. the last exam is on january 20th.
  8. missed the key :( it would be great if you could give me the key for Stay Dead... i will love you for ever!
  9. oh AMC why must you tease me so bad... i cant wait till the next episode. daryl wont die since he survives in the comics, but then again in the comics dale is still live.
  10. it'sFluffySnot

    Predator Mod

    but it's very similar and it's quite fun. but yeah i cant make mods and i cant find what your looking for on the internet, sorry dude :(
  11. it'sFluffySnot

    Predator Mod

    isnt there a free half life 2 mod called "the hidden" that does this. it's available on steam.
  12. i have a motorola... its so shit! i will hopefully get a new phone soon.
  13. i would love an app for ob! im still in school and the outbreak website is blocked on the school internet so i need to access it from my phone and it is virtually impossible to navigate!
  14. what question? i was just stating facts. and i wasn't questioning the fact you were human... i was just whether you were the type of human we wanted as a member on this server.
  15. your member app gets decided so instead of convincing mclovin your a decent human being you go and take the piss out of him... great idea!
  16. it'sFluffySnot


    oh jordan you queer bastard!
  17. loooool i dont know then... all i know is it's taking them forever to release breaking bad! and i guess you need to add the time it takes to edit the episodes... all the cgi and shit!
  18. they did the same witht he latest season of breaking bad they film 2/3 of the season first then they film the last bit after it goes on tv. amc if you are reading this... hurry the fuck up with the rest of breaking bad or I'll rape your souls!
  19. next episode is mid season finale :( no more twd for atleast 5 months! next episode is gonna be epic!
  20. it'sFluffySnot


    what's mouse acceleration?
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