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Everything posted by Cash

  1. Good luck with your trial all the best
  2. Cash


    Nut edit your pot please you have broke the forum wall lolz
  3. I thought these was being done this week or did's you mean by the next Sunday. :?
  4. ??????????????????????????????
  5. Cash


    We are being nice is not you would BE PERM BANNED.
  6. Cash


    This coming from you made me lmao ssssooooooooooo much
  7. Cash


    Welcome & dat spray
  8. Just tells us that you don't even bother to read the forums most people know the reference.
  9. I tend to take things to seriously with being 26 so yeah sorry.
  10. Not the rug God have mercy on his soul but say hello to daemonic and tweep for me :) LOLZ
  11. OH god just lock this topic already week ban end off you was warned on numerous occasions to stop you didn't i emailed you asking to talk you refused so server your week and then think hard about coming back cause if you just come back and do the same thing then perm ban is just. You need to learn the rules and bee less of a troll, you show people little to no respect at all so whats the point what are you trying to prove anyway just doesn't make sense. edit: and to answer why i did nothing when we got free shot is because the ct in question gave us medic like a second aft, don't go around telling a mod what to do its very disrespectful but I don't think you care.
  13. Cash

    The Future Of OB

    Just changed it I live in Leeds its bound to snow soon anyway so it would be nice to see it on hear as well #bringsnowback2k13
  14. Yes we all like bloody I do to but doesn't change the fact that its 15 the age limit sorry but until the mods/admins have a vote to change it must stay the same and if it somehow does change without a vote then f-it there's no point in me in going on. Yes i think its a bit unfair for our younger trusted members like Bloody and Puss but you are still only kids in the eyes of us not getting at anyone i would love you all to become members but this is why we have the OB:fans so you can still be a part of ob and represent us but fully trust comes with age in all walks of life trust me on this as i know. I am sorry if i am sounding harsh. But yeah rules are rules if we go breaking some of them then whats the point.
  15. OK fair point do what you want guys i was actually agreeing with you McLovin +1's are outdated as i meant to say/type we look at what others write then base a judgement on that and our personal feelings towards the applicant, god why so much drama anyways. Its just a members application. Back to the point in hand I wish you the best of luck with your application Vodo.
  16. Cash

    The Future Of OB

    I liked the snow effect :( #bringbacksnow
  17. This won't changed and should not changed 15 is the right age you have OB:Fans if you are under age
  18. LOL mute point but yeah thanks noted Like said just gibe us time pls
  19. We do look at the +1's but tbh just write you opinion down Biggles and (Tiny,Wist) sorry head a bit fuzzy will look through. :)
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