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Everything posted by VENGA BUS

  1. T. Nothing more fun than shanking a good CT, by pure chance, or pure YOLO. Xbox 360 or PS3?
  2. 1 luv 1 OB <3 edit: Though I hope you'd get involved with the community, if you like the kind of atmosphere it has, and appreciate that. But if not, then you need to be aware that admins are quite strict to ensure that atmosphere continues.
  3. You're being punished for the trolling, not the experience. The fact you're awesome at surf is not a prob, but that you're using it to degrade everyone else's fun is. The mentality of OB servers, in general, seems to be largely co-operative. When I was a T, and I was stuck in a part of the map, where a team mate has to let you out, a kind CT, seeing I absolutely suck at the game, let me out - and didn't insta-deagle me in the head. That's the kind of community OB is, and I hope continues to be.
  4. da internetz welcomez u, m4ster fluxy
  5. If you set out to troll, then yeah, you are right to be banned. Rules are part of it - so is admin discretion, and the fact you set out to make the server less enjoyable for others means that you don't really have a leg to stand on. This isn't court of law where lawyers can wangle you out of bother due to weak legislation, it's a fucking gaming community dedicated to having a good time for all - and if you go against that, expect to be punished. People are kicked/temp-banned for going against that common sense rule, but most have the sense to let it lie, or to at least appeal in a non-abrasive manner. And yeah trolling is auto-B&.
  6. 7/10 easy. 10/10, if she was a bitch, may just cheat, fuck you around etc. Would you rather get kicked in the balls hard, and get given £20, or not kicked in the balls and have to give the person £10?
  7. I like it Bigtoe. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) My biggest 'oh fuck' moment was probably when, aged about four, I was fucking around with this cast-iron gate outside of where we lived in Clapham, London (back in the day). My mum said, specifically, 'STOP THAT', or rather screamed it. I, being a noble conquistador, coming of age as a man being of four years, decided that I would not heed a mere woman's advice. Consequently, my thumb got caught in the latch/lock thing, and I remember my thumb suddenly being very red: the centre bottom of my thumb had simply, somehow, opened up, and it was kind of inside-outy. It was pretty fucking nasty to look at. I remember crying and being in some considerable pain, but seeing as now that there is just a scar where the underside of my thumb was absolutely opened ripe, I guess we must have gone to A&E. LoL. Moral of the story: when you're four years old, listen to your mum, even if you are a brave conquistador.
  8. Youtube BB hates me, but 'Why Don't We Just Fuck' - Greg Parys Fixed ya thing. The moment you realise all you had to do is remove the s after http.
  9. Secondary school. I'm under the impression that the pay is better. And I'd like to be one of those inspirational teachers, but I imagine I'd probably just get called a nob a lot instead by my dearest students. (@Fluxy: ty for noticing. :) ) Take a really loud dump at a girl's house who you like, or instead, keep ripping really horrible farts now and again (you have to stay at the house for at least two hours).
  10. I think it's also to let our hearts bleed into somewhere, after this grave, grave cataclysm.
  11. Halo 4 is where it's at. ;) Hey again - I've seen you about on in-game (as Divine), and you seem like a good guy.
  12. I'm with Kriss here. OB is my favourite by miles, but I play on another server from time and again, when OB is chockablock and I keep getting pipped to the last slot. Still love this server tho. :)
  13. I've done similar stuff before but that belongs in the 18+. :P Relatively sexy every day, so I can make really stupid mistakes like sleep with a co-worker. Tea or coffee?

    Best Man.

    Beat me to it. Hopefully this won't cause an OB civil war. :P
  15. Welcome to the servers man. I see you sometimes in game - you're always v. funny. Though I thought you were older than 16! Which part of the states are you from? As having family and friends in Canada, I'm aware that east versus west makes a big diff to the time zones.
  16. Jailbreak. At the moment though, that's not as much of a choice as a compulsion... Ale or lager?
  17. Nothing wrong with enjoying a few too many tinnies. Some of my best, and most blurry times on Jailbreak, have been spent under the influence of a couple of drinks or so... Plus, you can do anything to your body until you're thirty. When you hit thirty, you have to realize that doing stuff might be bad for you - but till then, you have a carte blanche. :)
  18. I tried my hardest Fluxy but I fear it may be pretty unsalvageable. :( But I enjoy the Christmas vibe.
  19. The night cycle. It would suit me better. Plus double-jump would result in too much IRL glitch abuse, like getting out of the map, jumping over fences to steal stuff etc. Plus night-vision would be pretty cool. To be, or not to be?
  20. Hey man, welcome to the community. Try JB sometime when the server is back up and running. And your colours did burn a hole in my head, as someone has already said. :P
  21. The most non-essential toe-possible. And when people on a foreign beach ask, I'll say it happened in a barfight. Sunday roast* or [well-done] yum-cha? *only added the 'well done' bit in for yum-cha, as Sunday roast is always done brilliantly
  22. Try not to rage Flux, it's what the kid wants. :/ It's really lame, but ultimately it just detracts from our fun for a few days. Alternatively, do rage, research where Polishman is from (I don't knot myself), and look up the policies on cyber terrorism in his country, and see how petty their law enforcement will get. ;)
  23. Wow. This is pretty lame. :( Are there repercussions ever, for this kinda' behaviour? Or's it to petty for anyone of external authority to bother with?
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