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About blaster28310

  • Rank
    Shower Stalker
  1. +1 from me nice guy from the sounds of him although sometimes slightly disturbing to listen to :/
  2. Hi, I recently signed up for the elder scrolls online, which if u didn't know if the elder scrolls answer to an MMO.I was just curious for about those who are interested in the game first have u signed up for beta? and secondly what faction/race are you going to be? and thirdly what class would u like play?(i know they haven't announced all the classes but in general like: rogue,mage,tank)
  3. daffy do you want it badly cause a friend of mine said and i quote "i will orally pleasure you for that freakin key"
  4. I recently got in the planetside 2 beta and I got a seconded key to give away just curious if anyone wants it?
  5. blaster28310


    Veigar (so much burst zomg)
  6. see ya storm you've been a great mod, funny and generally nice guy this community is losing some quality person
  7. It looks amaze balls but im not as hyped bout it anymore because still not in the beta after so long
  8. i saw this game a couple months ago and my eyes lit up as I watched some badassery happen in a demo and now its less than 2 weeks till its released, I'm just curious if anyone else has pre ordered it and how they are gonna play the game. link to website: www.dishonored.com
  9. buttons yogurt because rolo's are nasty live forever and be alone or live a normal life with many friends
  10. guy on cocaine because drugs makes you crazy shit potato or tomato?
  11. i ment the thing from fantastic four
  12. your internet speed improves but then an EMP goes of and destroys all eletrical devices in the world I wish I could fly
  13. daemonic hes older The Hulk or The Thing?
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