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Everything posted by Hatchinthehat

  1. please post where you downloaded it :P i want it so much but it aint available in this country :/
  2. i'll be a little inactive at the moment, as i'm on a major job hunt. :P will be on whenever i can be :) <3
  3. Devotion at its finest, that, and eating dinner with one hand while spamming enter with the other....
  4. well im only playing tomb raider 2 atm dude.....the new tomb raider isnt out till march 2013 :P although the new one does actually look like it will be good.
  5. i've already started filming it, xD although the controls are fucked on my keyboard :P so i kept dieing xD need to sort my mic out now though >n< its quiet D:
  6. Granted, one of the eggs from your wish for jdog hatches, spawning a 7ft black alien with a cock that could rim a rhino and the proceeds to violently buttfuck you while singing baby by justin bieber. I wish for a laxative that didnt melt my arsehole off but gives me a 6 pack Instead.
  7. bored....trying to decide what to draw....see this....Sorry mclovin, but im now going to draw us all like grumpy monsters :3 YOU SHALL HAVE YOUR INCREDIBLY SEXY WATCH ON DO NOT FRET ABOUT THAT!! MWUAHAHAHAHA... Sorry lost my cool...
  8. Am i the only one who thinks that bruno mar's latest song locked out of heaven sounds like the police message in a bottle? my girlfriend was playing it a couple of days back and i got an earful over me thinking it was message in a bottle.... Also. Daemonic. until you say sorry. i still hate you. Dave.
  9. well if thats the case then, i'll record some later tonight once the missus has gone home :P
  10. seeing as though next march the new tomb raider is coming out, I remembered i had bought box set with the first 4 games in it and not even played it, now im debating whether i should record myself playing it...thoughts? :3 Dave P.s The only time i have even seen gameplay of these games was when i was about 5? and my dad was playing them...and i mainly remember hearing him getting pissy over not knowing where to go next.
  11. Hatchinthehat

    PS3 Game

    Barbie: mystery adventure 2.
  12. To the guys who sang bohemian rhapsody with me, thank you xD Not only did we manage to get my girlfriend to storm off in irritation, but we also got refered to and i quote: "a bunch of deaf school kid's who had found a music room". To be honest i though we sounded quite pleasant. But seriously, you guys cheered me up, So thank you <3 Dave
  13. Game just recently merged with Gamestation :P
  14. Long time no speak :P well basically just wanted to see how you all are and say hello and explain why i havent been on recently. Well basically in a nutshell i had been working but my temporary contract was finished,and well now im looking for another job, which i may have found seeing as though i had an interview at GAME ^^. went rather well :) Anyway, Talk Laters ^^ Dave <3
  15. Hatchgunner - Mic :) will play when i get the chance :D
  16. i come on and play a few rounds every few days, just wondering why it happened and if i can be invited back :3
  17. I'm in pain from my back but i'm also happy :) Just recently passed my driving test and i'm now looking for a car >.
  18. Storm here, stealing Hatch's internets. It'd be a possible breach of confidentiality if i were to disclose our location, and it would be an obvious breach if i were to mention actual examination details. I doubt any of you even remember the city we live in xD Anyway, apologies for not being online at all this week, all spare time i've had has been put into work or sleep. Starting Sunday (16th Sept) i should be back online. Inb4 removal for inactivity Storm out~
  19. well being an invigilator for psychiatrist exam's has proven to be more interesting than expected....plus the endless amount of tea there helped a lil' bit :P having to get up at 6 in the morning and not getting home till 8 at nights a downside but hey,the company offered me another job for next week so ^^ more money :D, so whats going on guys?? Whats new? :P
  20. dude, its possible, it'd take a shit load of time to make but it'd be possible :P
  21. I'm not changing my spray. the only way i would change it, is if i found something worse. xD well i got a weeks temp work on monday for an easy £400, all i gotta do is lead some doctors to different psychology exams, so that should give me a bit of peace :P
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