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Posts posted by Tiny

  1. http://gtaforums.com/topic/860017-next-dlc-speculation-thread/page-1353#entry1069248550

    A list of the new cars coming in the update. Including but not limited to;

    A skyline ripoff

    A turreted amphibious vehicle

    A traffic destroying truck with a scoop on the front

    A dune buggy that can flip other cars

    A car with a rocket engine

    A jamesbondesque car with homing launchers, machine guns, jump capabilities and parachutes

    Tons of other stuff.


    If people are still interested and play the game, but struggle for money, my little discord group use this guy;


    He'll drop you 50m for $5 over paypal and it's safe as long as you don't bank it.



    (Refer me, just tell him TinyTerror sent you <3)


  2. Grats on ur placements lads. I placed 3072 (tank main but I played Rein pretty much every game unless they ran an aggressive comp with genji, in which case I swapped out to Winston) and am sat at 3110 right now. Hopefully will hit masters soon! 

  3. Imo - D.VA feels fantastic now, the defense matrix might actually be broken with how well it can absorb ults. She's better than winston.

    Zenyatta is now much more openly competitive, he'll be used more often for sure, really great balance work done by them. 

    Ana is.. pretty balanced. Her abilities are cool, and they definitely need to do something about multiple speed buffs stacking. (diminishing returns would work nicely.) She's just too squishy, no mobility, no real form of escape. She'll be good and hopefully played competitively, she might be outdone by other heros tho.

    McCree is back, and actually feels like they intended him to be (mid - long range brawler).

    Mercy damage buff was so unnecessary, need to watch out for discord + damage buff wombo combo because it'll fucking melt you. Other changes were all fine with me.

    Gz Blizz, actually like the first moba ever to release a non-op new character in your game. Gj with balancing. <3

  4. 5 hours ago, ๖ۣۜMr.Nice♥ said:

    I'm really unsure whats happened, I woke up to find GTA V wasn't installed?? like not even a fucking trace of GTA V



    If you have multiple HDD's, check to see that the one GTA is installed on is working. Ik it sounds obvious but I've made that mistake.

    2 hours ago, Iszuka™ said:

    I never seem to have any money.
    The only people that will do a heist with me are the matchmaking Russians and their faggotry.

    I'll do one with you!

  5. Guess we watched different tournaments then!

    McCree hasn't been nerfed but according to a blizz tease hopefully  he will be soon. To clarify, I don't think Widow is OP, I do think she needs a slight change to her fire rate. 

    Either way, awesome game. I hope new skins are out soon, I'm sat on 1k current itching to spend it, resisting until they release new stuff :x

  6. GTA V comes out today, around midday for us Europeans if I'm not mistaken. 

    Are OB going to make a syndicate? Was playing with a few of us last night and people seemed up for it, Gaffer had the most money out of all of us, so he can be our pimp daddy. 


    Edit - tons of useful info on the subreddit. - www.reddit.com/gtaonline.

    A great tip I saw - 



    Creating a capture in creator will allow you to put the new cars into the game for you to test. It'll help you get a general idea of the car's performance and handling without having to spend millions on the cars first.

    Edit: This will also work for jets and boats (except for things like the yacht).


  7. I've owned rabbits in the past but don't have any pets now, desperate for a dog. I want a samoyed or a BM dog, something huuuuuuge. gibe dogi pls

  8. 9 minutes ago, Lurker said:

    If I understood correctly

    You say the maps for widowmaker are badly designed? I actually think any lvl50 widowmaker main is very good if they can read the opponent team before the ult combos to pick off tanks or defensive classes. 

    I don't know the exact statistics for what heroes are most picked in a match average, but widowmaker players are hardly picked due to not contributing enough in teamfights or objective pushes. 

    Far as maps go, payload maps are great for widowmakers, arena maps are a bit hard due to being compact and if there is a torbjorn or bastion it will make it difficult for widowmakers. Other then that, I think that most maps are made for flanking which favor reaper and symmetra players. 

    I'm not a fan of oneshot mechanics and sadly a Widow peeking through a tiny slit somewhere that hits your trucksized hitbox for 300 damage isn't going to win any favour from me.

    You say you don't know exact statistics then say Widowmaker players are hardly picked? I'd argue the opposite completely. A Widow contributes in a teamfight by oneshotting the healers and dps before/in a fight and creating room to push. The competitive meta as it stands now is typically a reinhardt/mercy/lucio support, two McCree and a flex pick, usually a Widow, sometimes a soldier. I see Widowmakers in at least 70% of my games.

    Reaper is pretty bad at high level since he's easy to shutdown (due to teams running two McCree). Flanking maps favour Symmetra in that she can put turrets on the flank to cover her team, which is what you meant I assume? Either way, if you have a Symmetra I'd argue you're going to be missing quite a bit of damage in a slot that could be taken by a soldier or a McCree

    All of this is under the assumption that we're talking about serious premade games at a high level of play. From my experience in pubs and in scrims, that's how I see things as they stand. It's purely theory on my part and I appreciate some people have experienced things differently. Also my words are probably tainted from the vast amount of sodium I generate whenever I die and realise it's because they could see me through the wall, thereby negating all flanking or tactics. Q_Q

  9. 9 minutes ago, Iszuka™ said:

    Snipers have to work with what they're given. You need to know where to look.
    Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teaches my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.

    Hm? I'm not blaming Widow, and knowing where to look for the sniper unfortunately doesn't prevent you from taking 300 damage across the map. Get two premades together and find out! :-)

  10. 9 minutes ago, Iszuka™ said:


    They clearly forgot that Widow was a thing. The sightlines on a ton of the maps are insane for her. Edit for clarification - Maps like numbani have high ground with fantastic sightlines that's pretty hard to flank against an organised premade. If scrims have taught me anything, it's that 20 tick servers against godlike Widow players actually make me want to cut myself.

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