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Everything posted by NinjaMunk

  1. NinjaMunk


    Why did I get kicked? :?:
  2. 1. like how you shrugged that off by locking your the complaint thread about yourself. 2. if everyone is telling you to "suck eggs" maybe there is some truth in it? 3. just cos twist says it was justified doesn't mean it was 4. im sorry to say this, but from the first time i met you, i thought you were a cunt :l
  3. So I was useless and didn't fulfill my role and trolled a bit, just like so many before, it's just a game, and pb isn't deatmatch or s&d and i play it because it is fun. But if you go hardcore and only play rounds strictly where are the laughs, can't you just have a bit of fun without getting slayed? Or do you need to be a robot? The chopper is there to be used and I merely took it to get to the roof. Granted I didn't need to go there, but then, you don't need to play any games, you can just do last reaction - first reaction the whole time and be bored. I know the start of the round is hard, especially on trainingcamp, but it's not impossible to do it with 3 people, i was there and if something happened i could have helped. Like you and twist have been spamming almost was that i didn't help in the beginning of the round, but by the time the chopper left the ground all t's were nicely outside. The fact that the other CT's failed has nothing to do with me. I wouldnt have been able to help.The reason i play pb is because my aim = 0. I have played pb for 1500 hours now so i know how it goes, the only way you can enjoy it is by making fun, and if you lose a round by a troll, you don't think about it and laugh (i wasn't even really trolling i was sitting in the bloody chopper). If someone makes you lose all rounds and wastes your time, I agree, be mad. But 1 or 2 rounds isn't a big deal. And admit, if a t gets a gun in a stack, it doesn't matter how many ct's there are, unless you get a miracle, your round is done. If anyone was "frustrated" because I did it I appologise. But like you say yourself, a slay was a bit harsh.
  4. 1. The only real reason why i made this thread was because i wanted an explanation why i got slayed, and from what im hearing it is becos i wasn't helping out, which is one of the first times. I'm mad because i got slayed without a warning and switched without knowing i was doing something you don't like. If you slayed me because i was "useless" to you it's plain abuse, because people have had to cope with waaaaaaaaay bigger retards and had to sit it out, believe me all of us have had it. But you don't go slaying people immediately, asking people to stop does miracles. Obviously you didn't do that. People act retarded all the time, it's just a fucking game, first time I do it on CT side I get slayed, we're not playing hardcore roleplay, maybe you hadn't realised that yet? 2. Where the fuck did you get that idea from, make one complaint and you're stoning people? Is this a dictatorship or a democracy?
  5. I was never told it was for that, Tweep said: Where's the last ct? Oh he's in the chopper, he slays and thats all, he didn't say dude don't go in the chopper just stay here, I understood he just did it to end the round. And the round after that I though, I'll say it in CT chat and it'll be okay, but he didnt respond, I also told him that I was doing it to get higher and provide overwatch, still no response. Then I get teamswitched, for the chopper, while I never got a real warning not to use it.
  6. I'm not complaining about abuse, I just want a reason becauseI wasnt pissing about, I was getting to the roof, and unless you got footage or were specking me you would know he said, lets get this over with and slayed me, I didn't know it was for the chopper. And ddon't you dare fucking deny that whenever someone CT or T gets in the chopper, the most he get is a fucking slap so dont give me that bullshit. And JD, I told him I was going there but he ignored me so thats no decent reason.
  7. So today on 3/08/2012 I was on the server around about 14:30, just playing a bit and I went on the ct team. I went to the chopper, like many people on that map do CT or T, to get to the roof of the obstacle course and observer from there. While I was in the air the other ct's failed hard (not my fault) and got killed, so what happens, I get slayed because I wasn't "doing anything usefull". Second round I thought, I'll tell him (which I did...) and I'll get to the chopper to go the roof. This time I get slayed and teamswitched, for something many people do, and many admins do. First I'm a bit pissed but I think, okay, I learned and next time I won't do it. Then JD gets in the chopper and lands on the roof of the pool, tweep doesn't say anything about it and remains silent. Why? Twist told me it was obvious that he was going to the roof and it wasn't like this for me, while I was already decending and when he saw JD he only was aproaching. First Thing he said was: Oh my God, who's in the chopper this time??? Ready to type !switch [enter name here]. He sees its JD and does nothing. Once more I come to the conclusion of Twist, it was "obvious" I wasn't helping, while I was getting on a roof which is difficult to acces. How did JD (nothing against him btw, if it was anyone else I would be here 2) not get any complaint while he detoured and was basically a "useless" CT for 2 minutes. I'd like an explanation and I'd like a good one cos that ain't fair. And that's not my only complaint about tweep but I can't be arsed to type the rest right now, someone else can do that. -Ninja
  8. it's fun but sucks sometimes as people just fire away, i was minding my own business in a town, guy comes running at me with a pack of zombs. What does he do? Stops shoots me in the face, i pop one off into him and he get fucked by the zombs, so people don't rly do it for the survival but just for the killing, stupid tbh...
  9. I was coming on here to make a thread like this, anyone wanna play with me? :-)
  10. nothing much to say here, he's awesome he should be accepted
  11. Anyone playing this? wanna team up? my battletag is NinjaMunk#2121 come join me!
  12. surf, too many retards on gungame Would you rather pay 60 bucks for a good game, or 60 bucks for 6 games which are also good but not as great as the first one?
  13. id rather drink the water, then i wont get so thirsty. Would you rather listen to double take for ten hours straight, or rebecca black?
  14. Does anyone RLY like this game? And does this particular person have Men of War: Vietnam?
  15. Young, Ill still be allowed in the kiddy park 8-) Would u rather go to school or to your mother in law?
  16. NinjaMunk


    i got a boner when i saw this post
  17. NinjaMunk

    Cleaner Forum

    Good ideas.... (post count +1)
  18. Storm babez... LET UR PONY FLY <3
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