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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. Lynet, no offence but was there really a need to necro all these threads lol? Just saying
  2. Jamie

    The Word Game

    holy hand grenades.
  3. Almighty Google Bot has deemed us worthy and is now paying us regular visits! Hooray!!
  4. Jamie


    Your big pics broke the thread :(
  5. Which may I add, doesn't happen 90% of the time.
  6. Hey fuck dat, glad to see ya here! xxxxxxx
  7. lewis arnt u meant to be eating pizza at someones house owait u cant ololol
  8. "I was insulted in chat by a few people for using the unfreeze rule (including another admin incedentaly) but I'm not going into that." Insulted in what way? If an admin seriously insults you then your best bet is to report it to McLovin or Kriss directly. However I was on at this time and I only recall a few people moaning about it but nothing too major. "I then said to him in chat that he should have used /rr to restart the round. If he dosen't have that command then even /respawn @all would have been better but there we go." Slaying all is not a problem at all to use on the server, it's what we tend to use to restart the round, although a warning should generally be given a few seconds beforehand. I also recall this getting on to the topic about "Score" however im not sure who brought it up, this isn't really important on a PB server. Things were getting fairly heated for no reason what so ever, it was a child's argument from my point of view. Warnings however were given to you to drop it, Eagle was also advised to cool it down. This could have easily been snipped in the bud in the first place by explaining why everyone was slain in a calm fashioned manner without all the heat building up. I didn't pick up everything that happened as I was trying to command at this time.
  9. Jamie

    The Word Game

    . Biggles' girlfriend is
  10. Bottom 2 definitely no as they crash people's css, and personally i think mars should be taken out... even though it's a classic, people moan about it alot when it comes online (in my experience) The others, yes.
  11. Jamie

    Hack or Pro?

    average IQ of this room atm is .................................
  12. Jamie


    So mclovin hows the kebab shop business going?
  13. Biggles' age matching his post count lolol
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