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So recently I was away for a couple of days at a friends house. Whilst there, we generally just lazed around, and probably the only time we went outside was to go to tenpin bowling. Mind you, we didn't actually go bowling, that would be ridiculous. He taught me how to play pool, which was rather amusing. Quite a great game once you know how to not fuck up every... single... shot...

But anyway, you may be wondering, how is this relevant to RNG/Luck? And in most scenarios, it probably wouldn't be. But when you are bad at aiming, some very ridiculous things happen. For example, I try to hit the ball at a clump of, I accidentally hit the underside of it, it flies over the clump, bounces off the wall hits one of my balls and put it in. When shit like that happens, it is extremely satisfying. Very rare, but extremely satisfying. With two players in a game of pool, it leaves both players marveling at how the hell that happened, with one very happy, and the other not so much. So on to the actual topic of this thread.

RNG/Luck can be a very interesting thing. It seems that most of the time though, RNG/Luck generally has a very two sided effect. There is normally one side of people that love the outcome, and one side that hate it. Some people may be a little closer to the fence, but most everyone will have either a positive or negative opinion on what happened, no matter how little they hate/like it. Another point of RNG/Luck is that, sometimes, especially with things like and related to betting, there is a sort of equal amount of happiness/sadness. For example, in the lottery, lots of people are a little sad when they don't win, because they just lost a little bit of money, but those few people that do win are extremely happy. So the two sides sort of even out, to a situation where the happiness created is equal to the unhappiness created. Of course, this can lead to situations where a lot of people are quite disappointed and only one person is very happy, where people would say more unhappiness is created, but I'm too lazy to talk about that.

And I know this thread seems a bit pointless, so i'll ask a few questions so that at least this entire thread has lead into something. Do you like RNG/Luck? How much of it do you think is too much? What game that you've played includes loads of RNG/Luck? (excluding things like table-top card games where there is lots of luck) I'll start off:

RNG/Luck can be an amazing thing, but it should really be used in moderation in almost every game, else it becomes tedious when games can be so based off of luck that no skill is involved. So a good mix of skill and RNG is required. One of the games I've played that has loads of RNG, although I guess a lot of it can be fun, is Hearthstone, a card game from blizzard, where every card is based off of World of Warcraft.

So yeah, that's all from me. I'm interested to see what your opinions are on luck, and what sort of luck-based games you've played. Thanks for reading.


(Because some people find it troubling to read more than a couple of paragraphs)

TL;DR: Luck can be really interesting in the creation of happiness and unhappiness and also just some really cool events.

Edited by Guest

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It's gambling really.

If you're ready to accept that things might go tits up for absolutely no reason other than bad luck, then alrighty. Everything else is a bonus.

Just don't go crying when things do go tits up.

In relation to video games i believe you should be given a choice to win by skill or RNG.

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Hearthstone is a nice balance of RNG/Skill, players don't consistently make legend without some sort of skill, although to be fair most of them have all day to play the game.

If you win by it, it's fun, if you lose, you can get annoyed.

Card games themselves are inherently random, what cards you draw at whatever time will determine the game, where this is less fun is against aggro decks where if you don't draw your early game from the start you're at a huge disadvantage. Then there's the fact you'll have made your deck to counter what's popular, but if you don't get your favoured match up, again you're at a disadvantage.

I don't mind it, Hearthstone has much larger problems than RNG.

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My favourite type of RNG is on the six tables by modern castle, every round :D

I personally don't like anything which is really "random", as I like to know what the outcome of anything is. I stay completely away from gambling, as I can win or lose money/virtual items and I would have no hand in the outcome of it.

An example of the type of random I'm okay with is something like running accuracy in CS:GO. You are in control of the risk, as you can stand still to remove the RNG, or move around to be harder to hit but also risk your shots being inaccurate and missing.

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Luck and RNG is a weird thing. Take for example Chris Lord, who, just kept on winning on CS:GO Jackpot again and again even with a chance of about 6%. There are so many ideas and theories about luck but ultimately it comes down to two things: You either do or you don't. Win or Lose. Chance falls right out of the question as you can only ever expect 2 outcomes. A higher percentage just makes you feel better.

RNG in CS:GO is annoying as hell. Please give us first shot accuracy. As I frequently say, what's the point of aim training if the centre of that crosshair is always randomly calculated. It can only make you so good.

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There was a random chance this thread would be made based on many variables, such as how tired the OP was, whether he thought it was worthy posting, what he thought the community reaction would be. Despite the odds not being in his favour, the topic was posted, and Fluxy once again becomes buttfrustrated at Chris's winnings and his own gambling addiction.

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