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Player Name (at time of banning): I.V.L

SteamID: 0:0:5420709

Ban/Mute/CT-Ban Reason Given: "outbreak-community.com to make an admin complaint. cya there :)" ????????

Server Banned From: Main JailBreak

Why you believe your ban was unfair/disproportionate: Zero warning regarding Ban, I was muted for snitching as I wasn't aware it was mutable (fair one), after the admin warned us I stopped, but still got slapped with an 30min Mute despite the actual snitch who got a T killed only getting a 15min mute? I queried this with the admin via TSAY: @ and the Admin refused to respond, only did so to flame me or have a go at me for snitching, despite me saying I didn't realize it was a rule and that I stopped as soon as he gave a warning. I asked him why I was muted for 30 min for a small mistake which I apologised for whilst the other guy got 15 min. All I was sarcastic responses or insults in return when I asked, I asked why the Admin was angry at me specifically when it wasn't me who got him killed but he persisted. I was expecting him to say to me, If you have an issue with it, go to the forums and appeal or put in an admin complaint, didn't get that at all. Just banned out of the blue ~20seconds after I asked him why he was so angry at me in particular with the response "make an admin complaint, cya there". Dunno what this guy's problem is, I apologised for snitching, didn't flame him, tried to reason with him and ended up getting a 1 day ban? I don't see what I've done wrong here exactly, all the aggression has been on his side.

Do you have any evidence to support your claim?: sourcebans/index.php?p=banlist&advSearch=STEAM_1:0:5420709&advType=steamid&Submit + Two people on the server I was with + I can't access your serverside logs but I'm sure if you do you can verify that I didn't flame him and that I didn't get any warning about a ban or anything from him telling me to appeal on the forums.. Not had any issues with any of the other admins who have been on the server, very supportive and helpful usually, this guy was just a knob from the moment I broke a rule I wasn't aware of, no patience, no weighing up the decision, justa "You crossed me so fuck you" and any apologies fell on deaf ears. Happy to come on TS and talk this over if needed, after seeing his ban reason, I didn't care to post a complaint, thats NOT what I wanted in the first place, just wanted a fair mute or at least a reason why I had the longer mute but ... EDIT: Posted this as a unban request, because clearly said admin is looking for a fight and it would seem if you even ask an Admin to consider a different point of view you get banned so I'd rather not.

Date of incident: 12/10/15

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Oh you actually made this and lied about what happened... okay then well that's surprising lol. I was expecting a flame thread, not this >.>.

What actually happened: 3 guys snitched on people hiding in the climb, 1st guy got 15 minute silence as he did so before official chat AND mic warning was given as it resulted in death of someone who was hiding (me). 2nd guy got silenced for 30 minutes after chat and mic warning. I realized there was a 3rd guy so I asked on mic "who was the 3rd guy who snitched?", with which you responded something along of the lines of "im salty because i cheated" and as a fair punishment you got silenced for 30 minutes as did the previous guy and you were told to read the rules.

After this you started flaming me in admin chat calling me a "beg" (whatever the fuck that means) and told me to "Get a life". Then you started to demand why you were given 30 mins when the previous guy only got 15 aswell as stating you had no warnings to which I ignored you as it was very obvious you indeed, had chat and mic warnings. You continued to which i replied in chat that it was obvious at this point that I won't respond to your questions. I eventually caved in and told you that the previous guy also got 30 minutes for the same reason to which you started a string of flame and bait in order to bait me into a reaction. Time passed after you realized I was no longer responding to you and continued to bait in admin chat = 1 day ban.

Oh yeah you didn't apologise once so nice try, plus i'll edit the ban reason now to show the actual reason for the ban.

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I can back up Jamie's version of the story as I was present during the incident.

You had snitched about your fellow Ts and even after getting many warnings both in chat from many players including staff members and through voice chat, you proceeded to flame jackpot (Jamie) and other Ts and stated that they were "salty" as they got killed because of your snitching, therefore you got silenced for 30 minutes.

After that you clearly didn't realize what was going on and didn't bother scrolling up the chat to see everyone telling you to "Stop snitching" and decided to complain about it in admin chat in a very informal and immature manner. Something along the lines of "wtf admin why was i muted" and "jackpot unmute me pls i stopped".

Some admins have been through a lot of jailbreak and simply do not tolerate annoying complaints and people "crying" in admin chat after they have been punished for breaking the rules. What you should have done is asked calmly why you have been muted and explained that you were not aware of such rule and waited for a reply. Spamming the chat and flaming staff members for being punished is never a good idea.

I would suggest you quietly sit through your 1 day ban and think about your life deeply :)

Best of luck.

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I wasn't there when you got silenced but I can confirm that you spammed admin chat, insulted an admin (jackpot) and kept demanding for an unsilence. This behavior isn't accepted on our server and I feel that the punishment given was fair.

Take the time to think about your actions and next time don't repeat it.

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