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Everything posted by IrishChamp

  1. Yeah I've no delete button :?
  2. Ho-lee fuk. How long you been subbed to him for?
  3. Nice to meet you too :roll: Thanks for the advice Blyss ;)
  4. I'm aware of the TS3 server and how active it is, but I think if people were to start messaging in main channel chat that they would get flamed for all the little noises they were making everyone else endure. Maybe I just prefer the idea of a text based chat because I'm slightly shy and going into a room of 20 people and trying to talk is a little intimidating for me. Thanks for the feedback anyway :)
  5. Hello. Most people reading this probably don't have a clue who I am but I'm a new member to Outbreak and seeing as new members are encouraged to get involved in the community I'm bringing forward a suggestion. I was part of a very small gaming community (Tended to be around 30 regulars who contributed) for approx.4 years. We had an IRC channel that was actually linked to the ingame chat and it worked very well, meaning people that didn't have time to play could pop in and say something. It also was very handy for when people were abroad and without a PC. (Could use an IRC client on their mobile) I'm not suggesting Outbreak link an IRC to CS;GO(If that's even possible) but I think it would allow for good text based discussion between the community. Currently the only ways to do that are to try use ingame chat (RIP) or have a forum topic (Which doesn't allow you to have an instant conversation with people) If whoever would be responsible for making this decision (presumably Sir_Conor) decides this is a good idea, I would suggest having a web IRC embedded in the same row as "Home, FAQ, Members, etc. Please leave any feedback you guys and gals have. I'm interested to see if you guys like the idea and feel free to ask any questions if I've shoddily explained anything. Thank you if you got this far, apologies for the massive amount of text. TL;DR: IRC would be an asset to the community
  6. IrishChamp


    Just seeing this now but I took the day of school due to a giant English assignment being due :|
  7. Hi. Some of you may have seen me on the server during the last week and half but only got around to making an introduction post now. I'm IrishChamp, (Just call me Irish) most people would say their real name at this point but I'm not going to for the moment. I live in Dublin and I'm a pretty big newb at CS;GO (136 hours) compared to most of the guys and gals on this server. I'm 16 and currently studying in school, although this isn't an exam year so I have a decent amount of free time. Despite the fact that I'm a 16 y/o whiteboy, I absolutely love Kanye West and Kendrick Lamar. I'm easy to talk to and I really hope to become more active on this very fun server :) Thanks if you took the time to read my short introduction Feel free to add me on Steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/IrishChamp/
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