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Everything posted by Harrison-Rex

  1. I dont know how league works because I havent played it, but you are wrong about how jungle works in dota. Ohh I duno then that is always what I thought it was
  2. Welcome Syndicate, seen u on the server seem like a nice guy.
  3. Well you can save games from match history and if we find someone to edit it, it would be really good and promote events and the community.
  4. But thats the point, DotA is the harder version ; DotA is for Veterans im shit at DotA but if id play LoL i would shit on you all... Do you even courier bro? Hm, interesting. Dota definitely does seem to be the more complex game if you look at it superficially, however I think league can stand up for itself. Killing friendly minions before they die isn't so much difficult, but confusing for players who are used to playing league and a courier, if anything, seems to make things a lot easier. You don't have to plan to go back for health/mana/gold, only health/mana. Also, the champions themselves seem to have more passives in Dota, as someone was saying about a champion in an above post. There are passive skills in league, but they're attached to activatable skills. The secret shop for Dota certainly adds an interesting aspect, but I think that just helps the game to be more one-sided for the team that is winning due to the fact that it is harder to the losing team to reach it. I totally agree with Popey, I haven't actually played either game enough to play ranked but I certainly think that league eased me in better. I also hate the jungle in dota because of the hole stacking camps and just making extra farm for your carry. When in league the jungle has its own role (that I main) that opens up more options for exp and ganks. For me the jungle is the main reason I love league.
  5. Not easily, having 7 maps allows both teams to veto 3 and be left with one. I highly highly doubt cobble will be played, no one in OB likes it. *Cough* swap train for nuke *Cough*
  6. So i don't fully understand how the banning system works but yes i do agree Bard was being quick provocative and maybe slightly pushing the boundaries at some points, there where a few moments that his clip also misses out. (Im in this vid yay ) Edit: some of the responses AFKILLER gave where also just as provocative however you cannot hear them in the video
  7. @gaffeR u chose a good name for you son XD
  8. I remember playing this like 5 years ago. Good times. The maps where alot better with that one that curved the whole way around until there was a little tunnel to go through a the end.
  9. Marty next time I see him ill be sure to play it XD
  10. Alright dude I'm not home for the night but ill check these out tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestions
  11. I don't have anyone on my friends list. So I'll join but u will have to add me.
  12. Ok thanks guys will try some of these out
  13. Thanks guys and bard we don't talk about that
  14. So i have been listening to that new A$AP ROCKY album (ALLA) and i really like it but i feel like i need some new music along this type of genre, any suggestions?
  15. Hello, im Harrison or Harrison-Rex in game. I am for Surry/Hampshire (i duno which i live right next to the border sign so it could be either), UK. I was born on the 15th of March 2001. Not gona give u my age just work it out because it changes. Most people may just know me as that little squeakier kid who always complains about something. In game i really like Simon says because i find it really funny to watch all of the noobs just fail and die. CS:GO is the game i have the most hours on and i really love playing it, i may not be the best at it i still play with my friends and on the OB server. Thanks for reading my intro, hope to see you on OB - Harrison
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