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Everything posted by Lorcan

  1. Lorcan

    what to do

    My power supply broke about a month ago.. I can relate to you and your struggles, not having access to a PC is rough.. its like having no oxygen to breathe
  2. I'm a hacker, my name is 4chan. His esea profile gives full name and nationality so it was quite easy for whoever actually did it He probably wouldve pictured his wife/kid dying from cancer, so him being sensitive is understandable.
  3. some piece of shit not guy, v sad vid, cri eveirtim {{NSFW}} This is his Facebook profile: /vlad.ungureanu.7 twitch.tv profile: pedqbear ESEA profile: /users/390973?tab=guestbook STEAM profile: 76561198174420698 OLD STEAM PROFILE: 76561198171446001 (4chan)
  4. Lmao? You can still be part of the community just by going on teamspeak. You do play alot of jailbreak, thats not really needed to be a member..
  5. https://www.reddit.com/r/cringe
  6. Scamming is an identification of becoming a sociopath... :P Chances are bard actually bought it with his dads credit card
  7. Im surprised you're only 18.. you sound 40 years old lol, welcome to the forums brah
  8. Have you heard of Runescape? the wilderness is an area in runescape where players can kill eachother, the kid is supposedly crying because he died and lost all his stuff, not going to be very funny unless you've played runescape before :glad2: this was taken from reddit.com/r/youdontsurf, if you like this kinda humour have a look
  9. Lorcan


    Going off the edge of a cliff when skiing, which is a pretty rational fear IMO? Also, cookies which seem to be chocolate chip and actually have raisins in them.. ughhh
  10. .. I could still argue all day with lewis, but
  11. It doesn't matter if you never mentioned CS. I was using it as an example of a competitive game which is protected by VAC. Botting isn't as bad as a VAC ban. If he was using drophack on LoL, or all those exploits/glitches HaxUnit used with PKing where they 1 shot people and were invisible, it would be a different story. Thats much worse than botting. "cheating is cheating" you can't just generalize it like that. Games which are protected by VAC are mainly competitive games where cheating is insanely disruptive to gameplay. Botting is not insanely disruptive to gameplay, if you are trying to say it is i think you're being delusional because of how much you hate botters. Cheating in Runescape is still cheating but its a misdemeanour in comparison to cheating on a game where one can be VAC banned, i'm sure alot of people would agree with that although you obviously don't. Also you said "You also can't use the argument that "RS was ages ago, who cares now etc etc"", when you actually can. Even if botting on RS was as bad cheating on a VAC protected game (which it isn't), evan could still apply for member and not have his cheating mentioned. The rules regarding VAC bans say members can't apply if they have a VAC under 1 year, and nobody can apply for mod if they have a VAC under 3 years. So obviously you can use the argument that it was ages ago. edit: I don't want to be a nuisance by spamming an application thread anymore than this, so ill read your reply but can't really go any further than that :) :)
  12. You really cannot compare cheating on CS/competitive games to botting on RS. People who botted their accounts up barely affected other legitimate players except for making certain skills like hunter, mining etc less profitable. People who have got VAC bans on CS are scumbags because of the harm/disruption they cause to other players. To say botting is as bad as a VAC ban is ridiculous. I used to have saltiness towards botters because they cheated to get their stats, but that was so long ago, you should just let it go Edit: just want to point out me and evan are irl friends so my opinion will be biased, but what i said is accurate
  13. Lorcan


    Botting is gone now in RS anyway isnt it? I pop on reddit.com/r/2007scape and OSRS twitch streams sometimes and i'm pretty sure its atleast been cut down by a huge ammount
  14. He got declined on july 6th and has to wait 1 month before re applying :glad2:
  15. Count on the foreigner from russia to not know basic geography (kappa)
  16. Cool guy! Hop on teamspeak and have a chat with us sometime. Also i find that nobody actually wants me/anyone to warden for more than 2 maps, even if you're a better warden than others, people legit just get bored of your voice and personality after a while
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