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Everything posted by AdolfJackler

  1. Ah shite didn't notice this, I was away earlier lol
  2. YES! Get in there! Time to be a right ass hole. lol jk
  3. Hey there profit, and I've heard you talk, no way in hell are you 15 lol More, 19.
  4. It may not be my question but I'm just wondering, where would this blu-tac be found? Because if you just say "some found blu-tac" Who's to say that you didn't used to have blu-tac, lost it then found it again? xD
  5. ...I think I just vomited.
  6. Everyones opinion matters :) Also - Bump - It's been about 3 weeks since I've first joined now, just thought I'd try and see if it's been long enough now :) (I'm happy to wait longer if I must - just thought I'd try) Lastly, the server is extremely fun lol These are all the videos I've recorded since I've been on, so much content, my lord :D
  7. LOTR isn't even that good :/
  8. Well, that does apply for the 30th of June till the 11th of July part then, it's sort of a holiday due to the fact I have a lot less internet than usual lol
  9. Now that you mention it, Tom Baker and Colin Baker were rather good, not watched many episodes by them because I can only take the newer ones but I watched one or two and they are decent. I also watched that episode called "The Five Doctors" or "The Four Doctors" I don't remember what it was called, something like that.
  10. Dude, Doctor who has pretty much been in my family for a while, at first I thought it was shit while I saw my dad watching it but then the only episodes that really drew me in was the ones with the Daleks (That's about it, Daleks and David Tennant are the only high points of Doctor Who that I can see) The bit in the brackets is surprisingly true. I watch it from time to time just because nothing else to do so I know a lot about it but still, Daleks and David Tennant, main high point of it all.
  11. If it's an away thread, I shall post things when I'm away, on Tuesdays (9am till 5pm), Wednesday (11am till 2pm) and Fridays (9am till 12pm) - I'm at college But on the 30th June till the 11th of July I won't be on at all (If I'm unable to get on, that's an IF) I'll be at my sister's house while my mum and step-dad are away on holiday EDIT: That's GTM btw
  12. Doctor Who is brilliant. Just Saying. But in all fairness, Matt Smith wasn't exactly the reason WHY it's brilliant, It's more David Tennant, Although, I didn't mind Chris Eccolson either. I'm interested in how Peter Capaldi will do as the new Doctor.
  13. theeeeen maybe a grand total of a day then :S I plan to be on more though xD But I just find skype to be more useful
  14. Cel Damage Overdrive is a PS2 game I used to play all the god damn time, that is, until my PS2 decided to not play it anymore, I think I just played it so much my PS2 is like "You've played this long enough." and just doesn't play it, I tried it in my PS3, it worked once, then never again, I think it's a conspiracy to stop me playing because when I try the game on my friend's PS2 it works and when I try get a friends version of the game to play on my PS2 it is still like "Nope. I know you just got a new disk for the same game. You're not playing it." Oh. "Great!" Anyway, anyone ever played it? Or if not, what's your opinions on it?
  15. Aaaaah... I'm at college right now will find out when I get back but I have a feeling I've spent about... 84-ish days on TS? (That's because when I used to play on minecraft with people who use TS I used to leave it on more or less 24 hours a day constantly without actually using it xD
  16. ok never mind now it shows I've been added :) (Unless you've literally just done it xD)
  17. How come I've not been added to the names of donated yet? I donated before Shixma :P
  18. EEEeeehhh.... I prefer FunnyJunk or just waiting on FB until they pop up lol 9gag is a bit... what's the word, well let's just say a lot of people would make you a "target" for some reason.
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