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Everything posted by LeCalum

  1. All sorted. Can someone close this?
  2. Last night he did it on the mars map, and I believe he got temp banned.
  3. Oops. Player Name (at time of banning): LeCalum SteamID: Ban Reason Given: None given Server Banned From: Being CT. Why you believe your ban was unfair/disproportionate (Including any evidence to support your claim): No warning, no reason.
  4. JDOG CT banned me for accidentally shooting the button, to remove a cover for it. Completely unfair in my opinion.
  5. One of the reasons you might say that, is because I don't command an awful lot, but I have been trying to a bit more, now that I have settled in on this server.
  6. Oh, I forgot to say, I was CT banned, for accidental freekilling. Oops.
  7. Okay, thanks for the info! As for questions what happens if I go on trial?
  8. Yeah, I used to do that. Then, I realized it was really hindering the fun towards other people. It has since stopped.
  9. InGame name : LeCalum RL name : Calum Age : 14 D.O.B: 14/04/98 (Too young?) Games played: CS 1.6, CS:GO, CS:S (Obviously), Original TF, Original HL:D, Ricochet, DOTA 2, Minecraft, Terraria, Gmod and Gmod 13 BETA. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:32489076 Hey, I thought I might as well go for this. I am mature and take constructive criticism well. I have been on the server for a month, and have been an active member of the community. Feel free to say no! -LeCalum
  10. Haha! Thanks guys, I'll try and make some major improvements i the way I play.
  11. WD-40. Dat spraycan. Would you rather: Have the natural ability to play guitar or paint?
  12. Been on for about a month so far. It is, now, nearly the only reason I play CS:S anymore. It is a very enjoyable experience, and with nice members and good staff, I'm really chuffed with the amount of effort. Hopefully, I'm here to stay.
  13. I don't exactly disagree with your statement. But, I wouldn't call it lack of knowledge, I know the game just fine, it was more of a case of misunderstanding. There were several points at which I couldn't hear a word the commander was saying, because the voice chat was being clogged up. And the last one was an accident, as you well know. Oh, and hello gumzter.
  14. I was CT banned by tweep, because I accidentally had shot a few guys on reaction. I couldn't hear tweep, because I couldn't understand his accent (No offense). Would someone please take this into consideration? Thanks.
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