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Everything posted by Bogs

  1. NEW DAILY DEALS! WOO. p.s. Biggles, The Walking Dead is 75% off.
  2. The Humble Bundle had a weekly sale recently where if you paid £4 or more you got a steam key :((((((
  3. I've played a bit the past week or so. It's just that you haven't been online when I have. IMO everyone deserves a chance to get the game. Besides, it's Tiny's game, not yours. Much love xox.
  4. Holy shit. I want this game. steam: unisaur
  5. Bogs


    Could we have a picture please?
  6. Landshark, definitely. Would you rather go without the internet or a car for a month?
  7. 9/11 jokes are just plane wrong. I just don't see the point in blind jokes.
  8. Hello, me again. So some might know I've been inactive recently, this is due to a couple of things really. I've discovered a new game; SAMP; San Andreas Multi Player. This game has tones of servers from Cops 'n Robbers to 'Roleplay' servers in which you act out real life, in a game. This has taken up most of my time, in fact, I've probably outweighed my time on SAMP with this server, having almost 1300 hours (It's that fun). The other reasons are personal issues. You know, family, all that good stuff, which I won't go into. By creating this thread I'd just like to say, Hello! to the people that kinda knew me, and that hopefully I'll become more active now as SAMP is dying for me in the 'fun' aspect of things. Some people might just know me from as "the guy who burnt Mclovin's house down.". Hello to you, too. Oh and, sorry about that. IT WAS PVP! So yeah, to sum it all up, I'm trying to become more active on CSS again, I cannot guarantee that I'll be on 24/7 as I used to, sorta. To be honest, it sounds bad but I forgot the URL for this forum before I saw 'Chilled Chaos' cover the server on one if his videos (which was quite funny).
  9. Bogs


    I can play? PLS
  10. How do I turn it off.. huehuehue
  11. I'm an indie fella, The Kooks Arctic Monkey The Vaccines Jay-Z & Kayne West Cage The Elephant Amy Winehouse & much much much more but then I realised what the fuck am I doing posting in this thread..
  12. Bogs

    Your PC builds

    ok, so, here are my ultimate computer specs: MAC
  13. All I want for christmas is Daemonic <3
  15. I agree, lock this monstrosity.
  16. Daemonic is a cheky kunt m8
  17. You know what Daemonic, I really like you..REALLY like you. You're a cool guy and I hope to play with you more often.
  18. Bogs


    Congratulations daemonic, I hope you find the donor services beneficial to you at all times.
  19. I..is that the website I think it is?
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