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Posts posted by tweep

  1. Okay, I will admit that a few weeks ago when I started playing I may have been a little annoying, but I have stopped that now. I guess you've already all made up your minds, and none of you are open to actually sorting any sort of issue. I'd naturally assumed that as admins you'd admit to the persistent insults, but perhaps I was wrong in assuming this.

    If you wanted to truly treat me fairly, then you would realise that the server is full of people who spam silly things in chat and talk over the commander. Instead, you're picking out small things and exaggerating them. Not one admin could be arsed to talk to me over steam and tell me anything, you've dived in straight with a ban.

    Also, I wanted McLovin to answer this. He is the one who was present. I didn't post this for the rest of the admins to ask for evidence, as McLovin knows himself that this ban was unreasonable, and personal.

    I'm still tweep. Just because I lost my cool that one time and left in a huff, doesn't suddenly make me a villain. I'm not going to waste too much time with this message though, as there is a pretty slim chance of anyone actually trying to be civil and respecting the fact I am still a human being, and that even if they did people can't actually post what they think if it doesn't conform to the higher admins views due to intimidation.

    I wanted to come back and play with some people, but all that's happened is that some of the mod team have just had a giant circle jerk about how much they hate me. I have better things to do with my life. I shouldn't come off a game server feeling like absolute shit, because the hivemind of the admin team have decided that I am such a horrific person.

  2. Things are in the past, leave them there and stop bringing them up and using them as ammunition.

    This isn't just about the unban request. I am clearly stating how I feel about the situation, and felt it necessary to state that I am not proud about how I left, and to leave an appology to McLovin for swearing at him. I also felt it necessary for him to be aware of the fact that the manner in which I left was due to be insulted by some remarks he said.

    The reason you are posting here is about your ban, and not to air dirty laundry. Your issues with other people should be dealt with personally, and not as little foot notes or paragraphs in your unban request.

    These issues are linked very closely in with the ban; hence, I have labelled the titles with "complaint", too, due to the fact that it isn't just an unban request, as I am genuinely unhappy with the way some members of staff have been acting towards me.

    This isn't just an unban request. This is a complaint, aswell, as I am genuinely not happy with the way some admins think it is acceptable to treat an ex-member of the community who has contributed much.

    Firstly what evidence do you have to support your claim? I'm not calling you a liar but as an ex member of staff you should know that evidence helps a lot. It could quite easily be the case that the admin in question, I was not present at the time so I don't know, was in fact being civil, and you knowing/being paranoid that the admin and you have had a spat, saw it as abuse. When infact he/she was not.

    I do not need evidence; it would be incredibly counter productive to provide evidence about a case, where the accused will be verifying the evidence. If it helps, some members witnessed this, inluding Jake. I do not have evidence, but seeing as there were several admins online at the time and an owener was involved I am sure that evidence isn't an issue here.

    Judging by what you put in the paragraph that relates to your ban, I assume you were switched from CT. As an ex member of staff you should instantly know why this is. So how the abuse flared up after this is beyond me. Unless of course you questioned the switch? Sadly to gauge this correctly we need to see exactly what happened.

    As an ex-member of staff, I wouldn't switch someone off CT who has a mic and is prepared to command, and keep a few new CTs who do not have mics just because I hold a grudge against a member. I questioned the switch, due to this. The response I received was that they didn't want a CT that caused people to leave the server - which was pretty rude, and uncalled for. McLovin knows exactly what happened, as he was involved heavily in this.

    Please reply with the evidence as per request

    Again, there is little point providing evidence when high admins are involved. I am going to assume that they have the decency to tell the truth, and if they don't they will not deal with the issue properly, anyway.

    If you need a piece of evidence of an admin being rude and disrespectful look at the post above yours. Yet another completely uncalled for comment.

  3. Player Name (at time of banning): O Christmas Twee

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:35026027

    Ban Reason Given: Abusive

    Server Banned From: Jailbreak

    Why you believe your ban was unfair/disproportionate (Including any evidence to support your claim): I was not abusive, and was voicing how I felt about the rude and insulting things being sent from an admin.

    Date of incident: 16/1/13 15:55 GMT.]

    This ban was incredibly uncalled for, and was sheer testimony to the degradation and humiliation I am subjected to for playing on a gameserver that I have helped moderate for hundreds of hours.

    Yes, I left OB two months ago after being rather unfairly demoted (which the majority of the admin team agree was disproportionate), and yes, I didn't leave quietly, and I do have regrets about how I did that. When I did leave, things were tense and hostile; I was told that I could no longer be an admin due to lacking basic social skills, which was the reason in why I left in such a stupid and regretable manner. I didn't want to cause drama when I left, but that comment did cause something to snap. Sometimes I can feel very paranoid in social situations, and do often get stressed over social issues, and being told something like that so bluntly by someone who I had a lot of respect really angered me, and I did leave in a rather unproffesional manner. I know I shouldn't have left like that, and I regret it, but it does not excuse the way you talked to me, McLovin. When I said "fuck you" over steam chat, I do regret that - as much as I hate the way you dismissed me (both for the flimsy reason and the insulting manner in which you did), I didn't aim to leave a bitter taste quite lick that, so I am sorry for that. That's in the past, though, let's move to present.

    I do have a fair few friends on Outbreak, including many members of your admin team, and many members and regulars that play here. I enjoy the Jailbreak mod, and I thought that since exams are over I'd come back and play on a decent jailbreak server with some cool people who frequent here. Unlike many other ex-admins and moderators, I am not here to troll and to piss people off. That's not what I want to do, contrary to what some of you want to believe. I want to play Jailbreak.

    And about the ban - this is the most flimsy excuse for a ban I have ever seen on this server. Taking into consideration that you were incredibly abusive (I am correct in assuming you were the admin who told me that me being CT causes people to leave the server, right?) and had the sole intent on making a personal gain on humiating me and degrating me, which is due to a personal grudge. I wasn't in the slighest abusive, I was just stating what I felt in a more than reasonable way. I do appoligse if I was telling you "how to do your job", but I can assure you that wasn't the case; another one of your moderators told me that the admin text wasn't representative of how the team felt, and I felt it necessary to say that things through admin chat give the impression to me that it is a collective statement, not a personal one. Also, regardless of the fact of whether you like me or not, I am a good CT. I have had many people say that they like me commanding, and I do make an effort to command well and make it enjoyable, and I do feel that a lot of people like me commanding.

    Ever since returning to the server (despite the fact I have only been on a small handful of times), the general attitude of some of the admins has been pretty threatening and unnecessarily harsh. The main incident that comes to mind is Biggles coming onto the server, and then acting in quite a rude manner to him. When I provide a come back, he mutes me. I then tell him how pathetic it is that he starts an argument and then mutes me when I respond, so he bans me for a week.

    I have spend around 6 months moderating your server, and I do not feel that once I abused my priveledges. The only crime I was guilty of was disagreeing with some opinions and arguing out how I felt. If you wanted admin meetings to be a place where you tell everyone else what to think then you should have told me, as I was under the illusion we were allowed to say how we felt. The only issues in those 6 months were that I argued for what I thought was right, and not just being trampled on because the collective attitude was to ignore whatever I suggested. On one occasion kriss banned me for ten minutes because I made a joke about a spelling mistake.

    I have put so many hours of work into this server, and this is how I get treated? You are treating me like a criminal because I dared to argue out an opinion that I genuinely thought was right.

    To Biggles: I don't quite understand what your huge problem with me is, and I have always thought you were a cool guy, but I find it a little disheartening that you relentlessly mock me mainly due to the fact that I wasn't boot licking. Remember those threads in the admin section where I'd disagree with you, and you'd suddenly profess you're hatred for me because I didn't conform to your views? I just want to say how pathetic it is that you mock me on many occasions over the last few weeks, and especially that you say how I am an "egotist" (which is highly ironic and hypocritical taking into account that you constantly - and it is not just me who feels this - are abusive to others to further inflate your ego). Remember when in the GTAIV thread where you said how awkward it was when I wanted to join you and Gaz? I'd been playing with Gaz that week a few times, and we decided to try to get more people in a game.

    To Tiny: You're the only person I owe an appology to, and I am sorry for being a little rude to you. In all honesty, I was a little gutted about how that ever since I have been demoted we haven't even been able to talk, and that things between us seem to have changed - I'm still the old tweep who you used to get on with, and even though Biggles hates me it doesn't mean you need to. You're a cool guy, and I just thought I need to appologise and let you know you're awesome.

    This is an issue that needs sorting. I have done next to nothing to wrong you, and I am being treated like an outlaw. This is absolutely disgusting, and I think some of the values of this community are being completely being undermimed by the way you act towards an ex-member of staff who put a lot of work in, and is pretty much only guilty of arguing out his belief, and making a slightly disrespectful remark.


  4. I made a bet with someone that you'd never make an apology to someone unless it was in private chat, this pretty much proves it you seem to have an issue with how other players see you, as if, if you shown other people respect, those players would respect you less. So yeah, your primary problem is not being able to admit your wrongs in public in order to save face

    Actually, I took the approach of keep this stuff to private messages over steam, so people didn't have to see discussions that are not for everyone to see - which is what I thought the admin team would want. I have admitted that my comment was in the wrong. The irony is this comment is coming from you - you do have an overly self inflated ego, and the way you strut around this place is often very obnoxious. Now I don't have an issue with this, but it amuses me how you can comment on anyone else, as you neveradmit you are wrong on issues.

    The awkward moment when you figure out that you probably have a social problem on the internet if you play on the internet.

    The awkward moment when your sentence doesn't make a lot of sense.

    I believe he took some tings way to seriously and over time came into some situations with some admins over time.

    This is the 5th time we had a argument with tweep about some issue and frankly i think this is enough.

    Let's be clear about this. The first time I spoke to you properly was when you gave me a short ban a few weeks ago because I joked about you mispelling something. Before then I hadn't talked to you properly Kriss. I might have said things in admin meetings that you all disagreed with, but that doesn't make it an argument. That incident with the ban was actually incredibly disrespectful; you could have just said "please stop", not banned someone who has been part of your admin team for a few months. I don't recall disagreeing with you over anything more than that. Maybe I should not bother turning up to meetings and voicing my views like some of the mods do?

    It seems that even though I did not wanted to post on here, I still have to. I already had a long chat with Tweep I told him my story and he told his to me. The thing is more happend then just this and apparently me saying that his social skills were not the best I quote: "Your social skills have alot to do with that. I am not saying your mental or anything, its just that you take stuff way to personal. Wich leads to events like these. From what I can tell I would like to give you a second chance but I wont since simple said I dont think you are capable of admining with your level of social communication."

    I have never claimed him as being social retarded.

    The thing is people claim to know the whole story but only have seen what happend at the last part. I dont mind people posting a goodbye or giving their oppinion I just would want to point out that they might not know everything.

    Other then this: "This didn't follow the normal format; there was no admin meeting about my status as a mod, I was not spoken to over teamspeak to explain myself; I was demoted because, well, I dared to disagree with McLovin with something. I wanted to run this forum based game for the community, and this is what I get."

    This has never been a format. I actually dont know where you get this from.

    Anyway, I wish you the best goodbye Tweep.

    Saying that I do not have the social capacity to do something that I have been doing to a reasonable standard for months is incredibly rude. Incredibly. I mean, telling someone who is pretty insecure that they have low social abilities, and then excluding them, is the biggest piece of bigotry I have ever seen. I was fine with you until this, but now I can genuinely say that you are in the wrong. Telling someone that they have social issues is very, err, disrespectful. Much more disrespectful than making a joking comment.

    Also, with other moderator issues you have always held an admin meeting. Perhaps I was disillusioned to think that it was normal for you to discuss things through with the people who help run this community rather than making irrational decision.

    And by the way, there are a few mods (and higher) who don't want to speak out against this because they feel they can't. Which to me says everything that needs to be said. Out of respect for them, I will not name them, but there a few that think this is just stupid.

    Also, I wasn't aware the were any issues until my sudden demotion. It would have been a little less dramatic if you took me to one side and warned me. This is so over the top for nothing.

    Sorry to say this but the admin+ team came up with 90% of the mini games that you play on the server just saying. (+tiny)

    I have come up with a fair few games. Actually, quite a lot of games. That doesn't mean to say that I don't play other peoples games, but please don't discredit me with things I have done. I don't care that you disagree with me, I care that some members of this forum actually believe what you are saying is the truth. You haven't seen that vast majority of what games I've played, as we were rarely on together.

    And to everyone else, I wish you all the best. Some of you have made this community very enjoyable whilst I've been here, but sadly I no longer feel part of this community after what has happened recently. I've put so many hours trying to help this place, and the only thanks I get from the admins+ is demotion and getting mocked. I have made one comment out of line, and apparently this is deserving of this.

  5. Goodbye Outbreak. This is where the road ends for me.

    I am going to be honest with this, because I have nothing to lose in doing so. I have recently been demoted over making a comment that was deemed disrespectful. This last few posts of this topic contains the backstory. Basically I have been wanting to run this forum based event, and I kept pushing for it. McLovin agreed to let me run it from a single topic in the gaming section, as he didn't agree with it - we are a "CSS based community", which means we can only play CSS here (and minecraft).

    Now, my post was a little disrespectful, I will admit it. I also need to say that it was not intended to be; I saw McLovins post as a bit of a knock to my efforts, so I posted back with something that was meant to be light hearted, and was made jokingly. So I get demoted.

    Now I am going to be honest. I did have a lot of respect for you, McLovin. However, being demoted over this is disgraceful. I was reasonably active moderator, I only ever missed about one admin meeting, and I tried my best to contribute. I've gotten on well with as many people as I can, and I have always tried to be fair to those that I don't like.

    A lot of mods have been given second chances over a lot worse things - I won't say what they are, because I still respect that fact that what happens in the admin section stays there. But I have been refused another chance, even though I have apologised multiple times, because my comment was (although unintentionally) disrespectful.

    I was refused a second chance because I am not "capable of admining" with my "level of social communication." One of my worst flaws is taking things too personally. I will take this personally, because this is very personal. This is actually INCREDIBLY insulting. Not a little bit disrespectful, which is why I was demoted. Also, ignoring people after they have put in so much work is very rude, it shouldn't take days to talk to you about this.

    I will repeat this. I was refused a second chance because I am not "capable of admining" with my "level of social communication."

    This didn't follow the normal format; there was no admin meeting about my status as a mod, I was not spoken to over teamspeak to explain myself; I was demoted because, well, I dared to disagree with McLovin with something. I wanted to run this forum based game for the community, and this is what I get.

    So in short, I got demoted for being a little bit disrespectful (even though I've apologised and explained it wasn't intentional), and when I tried to ask for another chance I was told I am socially retarded.

    I don't have a place here anymore. Goodbye.

  6. Just want to say Kriss, I love what you did with the cells going down to the right, in that corridor. I honestly reckon it would work scrapping the traditional PB layout of a big line of cells, and having a larger corridor. I just really felt that it was different, yet it would work. Maybe it's just me, but I love what you did there.

    Looking forward to see this map. You've got a lot to live up to after outbreak_day, though. ;)

  7. Trust me on the fact that you've only heard a fraction of modern music - a very small fraction at that. This goes for me, too, but I've found some that I like. There's so much music out there than you could imagine. I doubt I'd know any songs in the charts at the moment, but that doesn't bother me at all. Music is a very personal thing to me, and I'd actually like to keep it that way. Find music you enjoy, and it doesn't matter if other people agree with you.

  8. Let me call my buddy who's an expert on Jail break community youtube pages. He says it's worth 5000, best I can do is 20

    As much as five kiloglops?

  9. Just spoke with Jordan, and apparently you said something and I asked him to ban you. Now, I don't remember this, and it could have been bad judgement from my part, but I honestly do not remember this. That was incredibly unnecessary, though, so this is a pointless unban request if you are going to throw your toys out of the pram. I can't remember this, so I was willing to just drop the issue and move on, but I guess not now.

    Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

  10. Only 2 admins per team, 5 member max perhaps?

    As I said, I will put people into teams based on what games people have and their individual merits.

    Why limit the admins per team? Many of my good friends are admins. Hehe.

    Anyway it's not really something i'd take part in.. i like & understand the idea but i think it'd be too difficult to find games other than CS:S that people have in common, or people play as regularly as CS:S.

    For example, i rox at TF2 and sux at L4D versus, whereas someone else might be the other way round. Dunno if that makes sense.. I'm just talking about the difficulty in finding 'common ground'.

    Let me worry about the organising. It'd be great if you could join in, as this is meant to be a bit of fun. You won't have to take part in every event, and you will be missing out if you choose not to do this. ;)

    I'm interested in it, but a quick question: What do you get from being the champ? Except for obviously being the champ, it would raise competitiveness if there was like a special prize because otherwise if it are just some challanges I don't see why you can't have the format that exists right now where you have events one every few weeks and then have a champ.

    No, I've thought this through and planned it, so I'd appreciate it if you'd leave stuff like that for me to handle - thanks for the suggestion though, it just doesn't fit with what I am trying to do. Also, I'll come back to you on the prize thing.

    Edit: Please stop posting completely irrelevant stuff!

  11. It is a nice idea, but I most likely won't have enough time to play several games with deadlines. If you do this, keep in mind that this would take quite the time to keep track of.

    It will take me a lot of time, yes. Not everyone from each team has to be part of every competition by the way, some of these things will not need everyone.

    Also, I'm deleting any stupid tl;dr posts, I am looking for who is interested, not who isn't.

  12. This is just an interest thread; please post here to register your interest - this is not confirmed yet, just seeing who is interested for me to run this.

    What is this?

    This is a long running teambased competition that will be run for Outbreak members and users, where each team will compete for points to decide who the ultimate winner is. This will be determined through a set of tasks and challenges that will be through a multitude of different things both on the forum and in various steam games. It will test the teamwork, intellect, and skill of this community to see who will pull together to become the ultimate champion of OB.

    How will it work?

    If this goes ahead, each team will have their own subforum (need to ask McLovin nicely for this). I will post an official application thread, in which people will submit their form to play - this will be a small questionnaire that will allow me to see who has what games, and will allow me to allocate teams to get a good balance of players. Once teams have been decided you will decide a leader amongst yourselves. I will post new competitions and challenges with deadlines, and you and your team will aim to complete this to the best of your ability.

    What sort of challenges will there be?

    This is a secret, so you will need to play to find out! I will try to get some CSS mixes as an event though.

    When will this happen?

    I've raised this before, but this hasn't been accepted properly by the higher admins. Please consider this as just raising interest. I have pretty much formulated all of this to work, and this is pretty much planned out, so if this gets the thumbs up to run I will put this into action as soon as I can.

    Please post in this thread if you are interested in doing this. This isn't going to be run as an official OB "event", meaning you will still get your events fortnightly. The aim of this is to be a bit of fun, and to bring together people from OB to play some other games together.

    So yeah, please say if you'd be interested here!

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