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Everything posted by Quinn

  1. this is now an always sunny thread the new season is rly good
  2. Quinn

    brexit thread

    don't want the granite heads in ob to become tory voters because of a lewis bait
  3. Quinn

    brexit thread

    we got slammed particularly in the 2008 financial crash (that wasn't caused by labour lol you know this) because of our large finance sector bailouts and spending are what helped pull us out of recession not only that the spending wasn't even that much, spending was much higher during thatcher years some more graphs IMF paper on how the multiplier (government spending effect on economic growth) was massively underestimated https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/WP/Issues/2016/12/31/Growth-Forecast-Errors-and-Fiscal-Multipliers-40200 IMF paper on how austerity can actually undercut government revenue so much as to cancel out debt relief:https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/wp/2013/wp1367.pdf excerpt: stressing this part: Although this effect is not longlasting and debt eventually declines, it could be an issue if financial markets focus on the short-term behavior of the debt ratio, or if country authorities engage in repeated rounds of tightening in an effort to get the debt ratio to converge to the official target. does the bit in bold sound familiar? real wages over the past decade: we are in a worse place now than we were in 2006 :/// another epic graph but yeah whatever labour caused the global recession by spending too much yeah
  4. https://hytale.com/news/2018/11/hytale-faq FAQ ^ (quoted below if you don't want to open the website) very excited for this
  5. Quinn

    brexit thread

    i love when i hear a politician recite a working-class colloquialism one of their oxbridge speechwriters saw on television
  6. Quinn

    brexit thread

    :)))))) (actual real ed miliband christmas card) i would fucking LOVE some chaos with ed miliband right now thank god austerity is over that should soften any brexit related blows, we just need to get through the post-austerity cuts first
  7. yeah exactly like there's probably some absolute gold in there thats so old it doesn't even matter
  8. Move some of the older particularly entertaining threads out of the mod section and redact stuff as needed (if any exist lol), could just be funny threads or threads about old drama that was big at the time but not anymore. There's probably some funny stuff in there.
  9. Quinn

    HB willy

    happy birthday
  11. yes that's ridiculously difficult to implement
  12. He cites the translated journal entries as "biased" and then uses google translate to translate them from the original Spanish as his non biased alternative What The first point this guy makes is that Adam was misrepresenting the facts by "phrasing" his point in a way that makes it seem Columbus was claiming to be the first person to discover the earth was round. Interpreting what Adam said like that is really silly. The bit about the pear is really dishonest. If you google the letter its pretty clear that Columbus thought the earth was pear shaped.
  13. there is always http://web.mit.edu/turzaak/Public/tabletop/IronBank/ASongOfIceAndFireRoleplaying.pdf they're much less intimidating than you think
  14. it would be epic fluxy we could do a warhammer one
  15. its super fun i like to roleplay that im a prisoner and some orcs are roughing me up ?
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