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Everything posted by Huntley

  1. Damnit i come back to find this!
  2. Huntley

    Away Thread

    My Sickness is back, be back when i dont feel like my head has a spike going through it.
  3. Player Name: Soße zum braten SteamID: N/A i forgot to get it and he left after no good reminded me. Why should he be banned: He freekilled multiple times. Evidence: Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?2ewza2841z9d575 Video (For lazy people) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwtC1iac ... e=youtu.be Date of incident: 29th of april
  4. Yeah i edited in my reason why, been ill and catching up on school work, i basically skived on half of this year so i'm in deep shit.
  5. Player Name: Huntley Date of Birth:16/11/1997 Age:15 Country/Location: England SteamID:STEAM_0:1:46930412 Games Played:GMOD, CS:S GTA Series (With the SAMP MOD) Left for dead (2) Roughly how long have you been playing our server (s)? I joined about 6 months ago when i first got CS:S i bought i simply for Jailbreak. What server do you frequent on more, Jailbreak or Surf? Or do you play them both equally as much? I play Jailbreak and go on surf when friends want to, I'm not too good with Surf so I find it fun with friends. What qualities can you bring to an Outbreak?: Personally I don't get mad over games, I don't rage sure I get irritated but don't lash out over nothing, personally im not very good at Jailbreak though i'll see my friends on and hope on I've become almost notorious for being bad at commander, I find Jailbreak to be a laugh and find myself laughing over death's instead of raging and lashing out, i suck at shooting instead laughing as i shoot pathecticly without ruining the other player's fun. I suppose i should add my previous names before i get more of the hey who are you? MTG | Huntley Aeitous Aeit Mr Huggable Pipboy I've had other names i'm just struggling to remember them. Tell us a little something about yourself: I like to mess about on single player games like Crysis and Just Cause 2, i rarely play games seriously, and reign myself back for multiplayer games simply so I don't ruin the other's fun, i don't like others raging so will often play devil's advocate so as to help put the situation to rest and move on with the game and having fun, I'm a huge believe in second chancer's which translates ingame, honestly i rarely play seriously but keep it reigned back so i'm not a) trolling b) ruining anyone else's fun. I got a computer 2 years ago and a console 3, i loved my Xbox and played socially on them alot. When i got my computer i pimped it with all the money i had http://pastebin.com/Lv8fNYjB (Specs) and use it all day everyday. I'm a massive cat lover hell as i type that i have a cat on my knee, though as a 15 year old guy stereotypes don't do me well. I personally believe in freedom of speech and agree with everyone should be able to say there part. Im also a big GTA SA Mod author, i make ENB's and modify other mods. Thats 'bout it. (Worth noting i had a 5 day ban simply because i didnt understand i couldnt give T's guns (I was a newb at the time)) Last edited by Huntley on Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:08 am, edited 4 times in total.
  6. Annnnd im back sluts, get ready to be simmmed so hard!
  7. Huntley

    Away Thread

    I'm off for a week'ish i'll be popping on for small sessions as i have school work catchup. *HUNTLEEEEEY AWWWAAAAAYYYY*
  8. Why can't we have both? Steampunk master race. Mechanics, mechanics everywhere. CogsCogsCogsCogs. COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGSSSSSS
  9. Sim city 4 is the most recent "good" one.
  10. Count moi in as a "soon" player too plox
  11. I'll do that, the SS's dont do it any justice and make it look darker then what it is.
  12. Currently they've been behaving themselves, though professor goes to see the old man down the street with the dog a little TOO Much. Anywho sim update time: Raze: Got a girlfriend who sleeps in his bed while he pass's out from exhaustion Huntley: got to level 10 in the army and is now a astronaut.. Professor: Started in the science industry (added the ambitions pack so Professor can now invent) Tiny: Has become the city's biggest criminal and is now a wanted man Fluffy: has become a hippy and spends most of his time sleeping outside Daffy: has become a mass body builder. So yeah 4 days and i did this.. The moral of this story is: Never let Huntley fuck with something that represents you, EVER.
  13. Believe me graphics arent my stuff either. Hell my top games i play are CS:S, GMOD, Minecraft and SAMP (GTA SA Multiplayer mod) Just like to mess with them a little to say the least.
  14. I've played way too much SAMP. (1000+ hours)
  15. WHAT? Is it really worth a DL? hmm Its good for a piss about. EG dis:
  16. Which is why you need friends to play it with. Honestly when im on it i just piss about
  17. My thoughts exactly, the depth of field mess's with the chat, it's why most DOF mods are on single player games because well no chat. I'll look to fix it but the DOF is the big thing i want to keep in this. currently looking in certain places can blur th chat so its unreadable and i have to move my head slightly. its irratating and i'm doing my best to fix it but all i have is the ENB Dev's help (If you go to enbdev.com he helps you with most things he very nice) and a .ini file that use's number's as to change settings. Its hard but my past experience with ENB helps a ton.
  18. Update on it: (The water looks really clear in game fraps darkens it for some reason) I lightened it a bit but definitely not finished. http://imgur.com/uVZGRgQ,XLNM5Jt,o19G2tH,a3aUwvh#3
  19. Which is why thou' shall attempt to make it not ugly. And fail in a steaming pile of horse shit,
  20. I think so. I'm more interested in the DOF and the SSOA options that's pretty much all i'll keep from it.
  22. So it turns out ENB for half life 2 works with CS:S So my modding ways got the better of me and well: (Please note this is a quick downloaded preset off the interwebs i'll be tuning it to my liking so it isnt so damn dark!) I'll be keeping on some settings but that darkness well... So i'll be working on this but if you want to download it as it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCHoMM54cHw (There's a reason i need to edit it, can you guess why? ;P)
  23. SHUT UP AND WATCH DIS TRAILER SLUT! (quick note its FTP and fair) So yeah GTA if it was ever a MMO. Honestly this game is 10x funner if you've ranked up a bit and are just pissing about with friends, The FTP model isnt PTW (pay to win) so your pretty ok on that side, the ranking side is you pledge to someone who will give you rewards as you level with them and you can change pledges at any point. Honestly i ned ppl to plah tes with as you really need friends on to play it at its best. If you'd like to play dis with meh mah steam is imperialdche Also any prior experience with the game and how good / bad you thought it was ploxicles.
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