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XMAS CS:GO Competitive Gather


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Event details

Outbreak XMAS CS:GO Competitive



Team 1 - Jamie | Stiqqy | Blyss | Substick | RJayy

Team 2 - Lewis | Oldmike | Nutty | Liutvi | Cereal

Team 3 - Extinct | Sovman | Jama | Skill | Pasickle

Team 4 - Nick | Brand0n | Veng3nce | UnSeen | Desi

Team 5 - Danny | Absolute | Weezy | Vectric | Vemix

Team 6 - Thunder | Fluxy | Chus | Rachel | Mintlou


The schedule:

Friday 6th January 8PM
- Match 1
Team 1 vs Team 2
Team 3 vs Team 6
Team 4 vs Team 5

- Match 2
Team 1 vs Team 6
Team 2 vs Team 5
Team 3 vs Team 4

Saturday 7th January 8PM
- Match 3
Team 1 vs Team 5
Team 6 vs Team 4
Team 2 vs Team 3

- Match 4
Team 1 vs Team 4
Team 5 vs Team 3
Team 6 vs Team 2

Sunday 8th January 7PM
- Match 5
Team 1 vs Team 3
Team 4 vs Team 2
Team 5 vs Team 6 


Important Information

  • Rank Restriction: Although I was unsure about this, many have expressed a desire for it. I've read everything put forward, and also thought about it a bit. Decided to put a rank restriction of GOLD NOVA 3 on this event. For those of you saying that's too low - Storm was a nova 3 in the ESL summer event, and had multiple 20 bomb games vs  supreme+ teams.  I also thought, this is Christmas time, a bit harsh to just exclude people from what could be a really fun few days where everyone is occupied. For those of you saying it's too high - still apply. I will consider your application if you're nova 2 or below, possibly with other people who know you well. Because personally, I would rather have a nova 1 on my team who is committed, friendly, competitive, communicative etc, than a DMG who's just going to run around pugging, it ruins the competitive and fun nature. Looking back I would have chose Conor on my team over some of the other higher rankers in this community, because he had a desire to win, cared about the team, held his positions as I told him to etc. Everyone will play the same amount of games, and surely you want them to be as chill/fun as possible! Either work on getting to nova 3 over the next month or so, or still apply if you think you have a shot because of consideration.
  • Commitment: This is probably the most important thing. PLEASE PLEASE only sign up to this event if you know you're gonna be able to make these games. To put the math in perspective for you: 3 days of games, possibly 35 people, that's 7 teams, so you play 6 games (everybody once in a round robin formula) That's TWO gathers per night for 3 days straight - which will be dated in advance for you. - Hardly difficult to commit to.
  • Reserves: That brings in the idea of reserves, please sign up if you don't think you can commit to it all, but would gladly step in if available. More reserves the better! Also moaning about a reserve being lower or higher rank may just have to be a thing. It's a very short event in comparison to ESL, and will be at a moments notice, we can't go searching for reserves 48 hours in advance to find the most ideal replacement.
  • Maps: Cache, Cobblestone, Mirage, Overpass, Nuke, Train, Dust2, Inferno. 8 maps. Captain one will remove 4 maps, captain two will remove 3 maps and pick the side.
  • Played via: Popflash
  • How will tourney work: Sort of said this all above. But let's say we have 35 sign ups (around the amount who said they would in the poll) - we put them into 7 teams of 5. It's a big group of 7 teams, everyone plays each other once for 6 matches, then at the end we'll hopefully have teams ranked 1-7th. Matches will go on at the same time, otherwise it'll take FOREVER.
  • Twitch-stream: Probably be too hard to do this, due to how many games will be going on at once. But if you're not playing and wanna stream a game for others who aren't playing or viewing, go for it.
  • Prizes: I'm a poor student, so nothing right now. Although it's not outbreak endorsed hopefully we can persuade the council chambers to throw in some kind of credit prize for the top 3 teams.
  • General person restriction: Nothing on this at the moment, but ideally gotta be a known face. If you have an event ban I'm pretty sure you can play this, as, again, it isn't officially endorsed.
  • Stats: Very easy to record stats through popflash. I'll do this and release them very promptly. Recognition for all forms of stats - flashbang assists, F.E.D, K.D, Headshot %, clutch kills etc.
  • Sign up close date and beyond: I'm going to close this thread (or get a mod to xD) around the 16h of December, giving everyone like 3 weeks to sign up. After that I'll meet with a few people who have expressed interest in helping, and from then until the tournament starts we'll work on creating teams and a schedule - no idea yet on when you'll know your teams, ideally before Christmas so you can bond and practice. It'd be fun if we could have a few practice gathers between teams in the lead up before Christmas.
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