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Banned - Linky

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Player Name (at time of banning): Linky

SteamID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Mutscold/

Ban/Mute/CT-Ban Reason Given: seems like i got perm banned on my main idk

Server Banned From: jb

Why you believe your ban was unfair/disproportionate: cause didnt log in on JB for like 4 months

Do you have any evidence to support your claim?: http://prntscr.com/dikdzm

Date of incident: my ban from today 12-12 and the other ban was in october what unseen said

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Hey Linky,

As I messaged you when you made the request, this post would be more of an explanation as it is clear you don't understand why you were banned. You were banned due to two reasons. For starters, your account received a game ban when we already had suspicions of your game play. Although this alone would not be a set reason for a ban, just a contributing factor to evidence when we do suspect someone, it was what brought you to our attention on that day and brought you into negative repute. The other reason, and this was the actual cause for your ban, was due to the toxic and negative behaviour that had been brought up on multiple occasions during your time in Outbreak. You had 4 bans and multiple warnings from staff prior to your perm which lead staff to decide that you did not deserve a place in our community, regardless of your account's game ban on top of that.

After discussing it with those who dealt with the ban at the time, we decided that your ban will remain. We wish you all the best elsewhere.
The OB Staff

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