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Posts posted by Neero

  1. 1 minute ago, Blyss said:

    Why would I respect him? Who was he? What did he contribute to our community? All I see is some random kid trying to lie to us so people will think he's good in a video game. Why would I respect a liar? 


    Sure, he deserved what he got, but there's always an alternative of letting things go. That's just my opinion, I'm not trying to force anything onto you.

  2. Could someone lock this thread? I think this is not the way to treat someone who mucked up, despite cheating and all. Maybe a majority of OB think it's funny, but to me it's just plain childish. The person who introduced me to OB was knock who was also banned, but i still respect him by not doing shitty videos.

  3. 5 hours ago, Philip said:

    Mm I do like you man, although to u had my face as your lock screen that was wierd. You seem to have intergrated nicely on the surf server and jailbreak I have seen you on teamspeak talking to a mixture of people that are apart of the community. You also seem very dedicated. Ye, you have my vote bro +1

    Just so you know, I only had your face for a day, then my now ex-girlfriend changed it because she found it... depressing... her words not mine, there's a reason we broke up. ;)

  4. Player Name: Neero

    Date of Birth:19.02.1999


    Country/Location: Slovenia

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:45345260

    Games Played: CS:Source, Gmod, Payday 2, CS:GO

    Roughly how long have you been playing our server(s)? I've been playing on OB since December 2015, so roughly months 

    What qualities can you bring to Outbreak?: I'm not the person that trolls everyone and tries to be funny all the time, so maybe that's one plus...
    I can burn a kitchen while making instant noodles though if that counts :P... But for real, I count myself as a kind person with manners and as more of a background person
    and not a foreground. I'm the support.
    Tell us a little something about yourself: I can burn a kitchen with noodles. I'm from Slovenia, on the west side if I'm more precise *dab*(this is a joke, don't cringe)
    Currently I'm attending a secondary school, which is also a religious school, but fear not I won't go all Jehovah's Witnesses on Teamspeak(I don't believe in God). I also like climbing
    and working out at the gym. Oh and I have a high Cholesterol, because 4 years back I was bullied for being too skinny (weighing only 52kg and being 173cm tall), so I ate butter on bread to get fat.
    It didn't work.
    TL;DR: I'm a real piece of work, but my friends tell me that if I'm near, something fun is going to happen. I hope this works on OB aswell.

    Is this your first post? No.

    Have you been around for less than a month? (This includes Teamspeak and forums): As I said before, I joined the lovely community about 9 months ago, so nope :)

  5. 6 hours ago, Blyss said:


    It's called google. You also have youtube. 

    maybe I already heard of it, but most of the advice I got from it is either pay for courses in the USA (apparently USA is the best, again) or pay for books that cost the money I don't have. thanks

  6. For a while now, I was wondering if I should try to learn programming (basic stuff fam), considering I'm going to study IT in the future. This was about a month ago.

    Yesterday, while I was surfing the Tech forum, I saw the "Python Challenges" and thought "maybe I can start here". So I clicked on it, and to my surprise, a lot of users know how to code.

     Now to the main part, since some of you guys know how to code, I want to kindly ask for advice for a guy who hasn't touched a .py file before.

    What program should a novice programmer choose and how does one even learn?

    Regards, Neero 

  7. "If you cheat, I hope karma gets you" -Rumple 2016


    Anyways, I pity Rumple for getting VAC, and I wish he hadn't used hacks, being a nice guy and all (at least to me). But rules are rules.

    You will be missed.

  8. If you haven't decided yet what game to buy, and you're looking for exploration genre, i would suggest Starbound, it's basically Terraria but with space and somewhat of a story. I find it interesting to say the least. Plus it's not 60€ but its 14€. Enjoy

  9. What they did to Nuke, its a crime. The railing to marshmallow? before the shit update it was like the "step over hot charcoal" trial. Now its as eazy as shutting up Hobbs.

    Now I dont really play neither nuke nor inferno(rip), but if valve mucks up inferno, like they did with "newke", ill shank a twat.

  10. Yo, I just saw Pulp Fiction(kinda late, i know :l) and I absolutely loved it. Now I want all of you fine folks to post your favourite films, so I can leech off of your opinions :3.

    My favourites: Pulp Fiction, Monty Python(all of them), Star Wars(excluding prequels), Die Hard 1&2.

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