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Everything posted by lagboy

  1. lagboy


    Hey, I'm lagboy, I've been playing for a few months now and I've decided to post a Intro so you can all know my (not so humble backgrounds), let me explain, I've only ever really been in about 3 communities, firstly was the autistic minecraft server, I was pretty integrated on that, but it eventually died, A few more years passed until I eventually found Alphas.sx through A youtuber called celeaeon, The Basic concept was that you would go into a twitch channel, and get them to fuck over their PC by acting like a twitch admin, That site eventually transformed into raidforums.com, Which I was a moderator on for a while, That community is still going and I frequent it, The site had a very strong Black Hat Undertone, and the raids we did transformed into Getting people to Physically destroy there PC's this video sums up what the community is all about, Its evil, its fucked up but fuck me if i dont say, its god damn fun, the site has close links to sites like leakforums (another community I visit occasionally), and more notoriously 4chan and 8chan (I frequent about 5 chans) The community has also been wrapped up in drama concerning swatting, and the owner actively sells stolen credit cards, hes also really pushy and awkward when you speak to him, the final community, and perhaps the biggest is hackforums AKA skidforums, I don't really visit It anymore but I did used to be involved with the ratting scene there, and I did manage to make a good amount of money from it So, thats my really awful and controversial online past, i've tried to be as open and honest as possible, Im hoping that this won't cause a backlash, I don't do any of this stuff anymore, (aside from occasionally raiding) But yeah, I'm excited to join another community!
  2. I understand that it would probably require some sort of map editing but it would make sense for dead T's and CT'S to be pitted in a death match scenario, The Main benefit stems from the fact that people would be much more inclined to stay online while dead, Rather than logging off, I don't really have a good grasp of how the hammer editor works but i presume that there would be some issues such as potential for exploitation and so on. Pros -Encourages Players to stay on the server -Fun -A potentially more friendly enviroment -No Ghosting Cons -Potentially Exploitable -Would require map editing.
  3. Im down to be a reserve, Just Pm me on the forums or whatnot. My steam id is http://steamcommunity.com/id/Lagboy1
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