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Everything posted by PoyeBaoBao

  1. I just wanted to say thanks to all of you for the support, and I do understand you admins who dont like me because of me being a dickhead in the past but I really did turn on a new leaf and change... :'c
  2. Make a custom URL like youtube.com/Outbreak-Community
  3. Sony you might not but some people seem too...
  4. Landshark I hardly know who you are and I never spoke to you, so I don't know what your problem is. Sony I respect your opinion. And No Good, im not trying to deny that I used hacks, i fucking admitted it like 50 times if you didnt read it yet, and i never said I've changed upto this point so please dont try to make up bullshit. :evil:
  5. Check the Glock Gradient, I think its sick and try trade your "420 Blaze It" for a M9 Bayonet Blue Steel, I Think you would like it :P
  6. Hi guys, I was wondering if it is possible to change my name from PoyeBaoBao to BaoBao? I used to have a nick called Olek which is my IRL name but I recently changed it to BaoBao.. Do you guys know if it is possible? Thanks for the help. :D
  7. I got the bsp ready for you if you need it ill send it through skype all you gotta do is go to Hard Drive > Program files x86 > Steam > SteamApps > Common > Counter Strike Global Offensive > csgo > maps and then replace the map file I sent you for your old one and it should help. PM me on steam for the file
  8. Thanks for understanding my point, and accepting me, not many would but I see you're a good guy and aknowledge the fact that I am trying to change.. And no I didnt make a new steam account, I only made a new steam which is my current one after I got vac banned.
  9. This time I am actually trying to make things right and make a change for once, before i didnt
  10. The thing is, I havn't hacked on OB only in a competitive match and then I recieved a ban and learn't my lesson and got a completely new account and stopped that shit, but I guess some people in this world dont understand simple things..
  11. --< CLOSED >-- --< CLOSED >-- --< CLOSED >-- --< CLOSED >----< CLOSED >-- --< CLOSED >-- --< CLOSED >----< CLOSED >----< CLOSED >-- --< CLOSED >--
  12. I used the hacks i think even before I joined outbreak...
  13. I got Vac'd for ESP / Wallhack, I never used it on outbreak and I got it because at the time I was terrible at the game, I went into competitive and started shooting people through walls like a noob and then i got insta banned in 10minutes and since then, i never hacked. And Also I know how many people say that but what the people don't do is act and do something to actually try and make things right like I tried...
  14. I want to change... I swear I changed... I won't be a prick anymore, I promise.. Just give me my last chance please
  15. Ok, I respect your opinion, and I got vac'd 2 months ago btw and I got perm banned 1 week ago ...
  16. @Stiggy Look, I know you don't particulary like me, but I want to make things right...
  17. UnBan/Unmute Request: Player Name (at time of banning): Olek™ SteamID: STEAM_0:1:99956075 Ban/mute Reason Given: "Edited by Biggles: Constantly abusive towards everyone, no need for him on the server. +He was VACd for hacking in CSGO" Server Banned From: Jailbreak Why you believe your ban was unfair/disproportionate (Including any evidence to support your claim): I think it was very fair, and I respect the action the admin took. Date of incident: 12-19-14 17:06 What happened?: Pretty much, Im not going to lie and im going to put this straight, I was a dickhead who flamed at everyone but I promised myself that as a New Year's Resolution I will stop acting like a cunt and change towards the people in your community, I promise that this is true and because I know I have been banned in the past, I would like strict punishments if I do break another rule and act like a prick again. I promise I'll stop being abusive and I apologise to all the staff and players in the community I have hurt with my words or actions and I promise I will control myself next time. Also I admit, I have been VAC Banned on CS:GO before, on a previous account. But I have learn't my lesson and I won't do it again. I don't want to waste more money on CS:GO and develop another steam account, I also think it is a bit irrelevant to this subject but I don't know how I could use hacks on a jailbreak server, but anyway I promise I will change and I apologise to everyone apart from the outbreak community for my actions done in the past. I also won't take offence to all the comments you write because I probarbly deserve them for being a cunt to everyone before... Thanks for taking time to read this.
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