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Everything posted by AdolfJackler

  1. If it's an away thread, I shall post things when I'm away, on Tuesdays (9am till 5pm), Wednesday (11am till 2pm) and Fridays (9am till 12pm) - I'm at college But on the 30th June till the 11th of July I won't be on at all (If I'm unable to get on, that's an IF) I'll be at my sister's house while my mum and step-dad are away on holiday EDIT: That's GTM btw
  2. Doctor Who is brilliant. Just Saying. But in all fairness, Matt Smith wasn't exactly the reason WHY it's brilliant, It's more David Tennant, Although, I didn't mind Chris Eccolson either. I'm interested in how Peter Capaldi will do as the new Doctor.
  3. theeeeen maybe a grand total of a day then :S I plan to be on more though xD But I just find skype to be more useful
  4. Cel Damage Overdrive is a PS2 game I used to play all the god damn time, that is, until my PS2 decided to not play it anymore, I think I just played it so much my PS2 is like "You've played this long enough." and just doesn't play it, I tried it in my PS3, it worked once, then never again, I think it's a conspiracy to stop me playing because when I try the game on my friend's PS2 it works and when I try get a friends version of the game to play on my PS2 it is still like "Nope. I know you just got a new disk for the same game. You're not playing it." Oh. "Great!" Anyway, anyone ever played it? Or if not, what's your opinions on it?
  5. Aaaaah... I'm at college right now will find out when I get back but I have a feeling I've spent about... 84-ish days on TS? (That's because when I used to play on minecraft with people who use TS I used to leave it on more or less 24 hours a day constantly without actually using it xD
  6. ok never mind now it shows I've been added :) (Unless you've literally just done it xD)
  7. How come I've not been added to the names of donated yet? I donated before Shixma :P
  8. If you're thinking that I highly suggest keeping this to the 18+ section lmao
  9. haha Jack, you wish, I've seen longer on here that you've read ;)
  10. pretty much this. You seem like a nice guy. Oh sorry guys lol I was only doing that to be different, I'll stop with that now I'll re-post it for you guys. --- "Hey there, the name's Jack Clarke, I play a lot of the DarkRP, you may see me around, I've only been on like a few days, gained quite a lot of friends and reputation as well, you may see me about and I've already donated after like, just one day, it's surprisingly fun, I always thought Gmod is a fuck about game but it is so damn active, I'm shocked. Anyway, I'm from England, I pretty much live in a shit hole that keeps tearing down nice shops here and there to make way for nothing at all. But enough about my shtie life. xD Only kidding, it isn't all bad. - I spend most my time on TF2 (or Gmod DarkRP now lol, I've got addicted.) and Minecraft (but rarely for minecraft now), I go college but as soon as I get back I usually just go straight onto a few games, I'm always online on Steam and Skype so if you'd like to contact me, throw me a message and I'll reply as soon as possible."
  11. Congratulations! (Even though this was AT LEAST posted a month ago, but still, Good luck!
  12. I'm hiding my love for you. jk. you a bit of a bitch. jk again. --- In all seriousness, I'm usually this nice, it may be a curse or a gift, who know but I got nothing to hide lol Why the question? Is it because of my name? xD (IGN that is not irl name)
  13. Thank you Biggles, I'm honoured Also, thank you everyone else for such the big welcome, it's much appreciated :)
  14. Hey there, the name's Jack Clarke, I play a lot of the DarkRP, you may see me around, I've only been on like a few days, gained quite a lot of friends and reputation as well, you may see me about and I've already donated after like, just one day, it's surprisingly fun, I always thought Gmod is a fuck about game but it is so damn active, I'm shocked. Anyway, I'm from England, I pretty much live in a shit hole that keeps tearing down nice shops here and there to make way for nothing at all. But enough about my shtie life. xD Only kidding, it isn't all bad. - I spend most my time on TF2 (or Gmod DarkRP now lol, I've got addicted.) and Minecraft (but rarely for minecraft now), I go college but as soon as I get back I usually just go straight onto a few games, I'm always online on Steam and Skype so if you'd like to contact me, throw me a message and I'll reply as soon as possible.
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