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Everything posted by Kartoffel

  1. Doomblade, I wouldn't even touch you with a 10 ft pole, now please leave me alone. kthxbai
  2. You say that like Doomblade will give you a say. I'll just sit in this corner and cry then.
  3. So does this mean you're through? If so I call dibs on first date! Don't I have a saying in this?
  4. I like the idea of a Shoutbox, a place to have random conversations on with the rest of the community instead of just making a new topic for every single thing that people have on their mind and ending up spamming. And yes, some might say that that's why the teamspeak is there for, but for example I would personally be too shy to go on teamspeak to just come up with a random conversation.
  5. Interesting documentary indeed. And as for the kids in it, for me it just seems like the older one has ADHD and is just addicted to the computer, not that the games etc. are making him "violent" and giving him tantrums.
  6. Seen you on quite a bit, nice to play with, welcome.
  7. That was kind of the whole point of it.
  8. Well ain't that cute. Also opened the winter nips and they have a nice taste too, like black jack's.
  9. Me and HoneyMuffin went to Asda and found some interesting sweets or whatever they are. Had to get them because of the names. The mint balls taste quite nice, haven't tried the winter nips yet so will be getting back to you once it's been opened.
  10. Kartoffel

    Harlem Shake

    Don't worry guys, I'll slap some sense into him.
  11. I'm sorry, don't be sad, won't happen again :P
  12. Femininity (also called womanliness or womanhood) is a set of attributes, behaviors, and roles generally associated with girls and women. But thanks :)
  13. Still prefer pencil and paper over the tablet, mostly because I suck with the tablet.
  14. Player Name: Dr. ChocolateMuffin Date of Birth: 01/05/1992 Age: 20 Country/Location: United Kingdom, somewhere in Nottinghamshire. SteamID: STEAM_0:0:25195773 Games Played: World of Warcraft, Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead, Portal, Mount and Blade: Warband, Day of Defeat: Source, Counter Strike: Source, Half-Life 2, Minecraft, Terraria, Serious Sam, Realm of the Mad God, Lord of the Rings Online, Secret of the Magic Crystal. Roughly how long have you been playing our server(s)? A bit over a month, gathering about 120+ hours playing time. What server do you frequent on more, Jailbreak or Surf? Or do you play them both equally as much? Jailbreak, I tend to rage over HoneyMuffin if I happen to go on surf. What qualities can you bring to Outbreak?: I like to have fun, but I can be serious when the situation requires me to. I get along with everyone. I'm fluent in Finnish and Swedish, which could come in handy when retarded Finnish people come on. + I bring femininity to this sausage fest. Tell us a little something about yourself: My name is Charlotta, I'm born in Finland, but moved to the UK in October 2012 to live with HoneyMuffin. I went to European Bartender School in London and am now a certified bartender, but currently unemployed and looking for a job. Apart from gaming I like drawing and horseback riding. I like chocolate. Thank you for reading.
  15. I've also got the Wacom Bamboo tablet, haven't used it in a very long time though.
  16. Jailbreak Event: The Outbreak - [Yes] Minecraft Event: Build & Destroy - [No] Minecraft Event: Teambuilding Construction - [No]
  17. Don't really know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. The fact that I now have two dicks or that they are both in a thread describing Outbreak? I was mainly going for the combination of the two, and that it is the proudest day of your life getting them here.
  18. So I was going through the media section looking for a Deviantart thread and couldn't find one, I know there's quite a few artists out there and I would love to see your work. I am now asking if you could post here your Deviantart accounts or any other sites where you would have your art published on. Thank you. Here's my account: http://kartoffel004.deviantart.com/
  19. Don't really know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.
  20. Only found two. Too many muffins. By Professor.
  21. Tonight we were talking about bans with HoneyMuffin. So I thought that people could tell about their funniest bans on this thread. My funniest bans are on Mount and Blade: Warband, actually my only bans. It was late at night and me and HoneyMuffin would go on random servers and basically troll. On one we just ran around kicking each others while spamming voice commands for needing help (wouldn't obviously do this on the OB servers because I actually care about it). But the funniest ban that I got was a permanent ban when HoneyMuffin kept team killing me and after each time he killed me he would accuse me for team killing him.
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