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Everything posted by ashowns2009

  1. Got to be a Yorkshire Terrier, here's one of mine called Scooby. Very messy at the moment as he's just been going through the bushes... and he also needs a haircut. Actually looks cute when he's nice and tidy. :D
  2. Awrh, that's a shame I was hoping to pop on there when I felt like playing Minecraft. Single player activated!
  3. The Hobbit is the best movie you may ever see, excluding Harry Potter. :-D Can't wait for part 2 next december tho, hate waiting for movies :@
  4. I'm listening to The Beatles - I am the Walrus Gotta love The Beatles. And if not then you're probably a Rolling Stones fan. dai
  5. Aw ye. Glamdring Paper cutter, Harry Potter House pins, Helga Hufflepuffs cup, Dishonored, Lego Lord of the Rings game and Sekonda watch! get. on. my. level. ;)
  6. Mine has to be a Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon soundtrack... hard to choose but I really like this one :)
  7. Will do! Thanks everyone! Have a nice christmas too!
  8. Honestly, I played it before it had to be payed for and I'd say it's not really worth it... I'd just get Minecraft and install a gun mod tbh. lol
  9. Interesting... explains why my Dutch friends don't speak to me much haha
  10. Player Name: Ashowns2009 (Ashowns2009 the Snowman right now) Date of Birth: 18/4/1997 Age: 15 Country/Location: Warickshire, England. SteamID: 76561198046437961 Games Played: I assume this means in outbreak, I've played both surf and jailbreak, though I prefer surf and tend to play that more. Roughly how long have you been playing our server(s)? I've been playing maybe 3-2 weeks or around that mark, for many many hours. :D What quaities can you bring to Outbreak?: I get along with most of the players on the server including moderators/admins. I do make sure people know if something is against the rules, such as ghosting (one of the reasons I want to become member is so I can vote kick people if there's no admin to) and I use my mic to speak to people. I'm also batman, that may be beside the point. :D Tell us a little something about yourself: Well, like I said, I am batman. I play games in my spare time as well as web designing... I'm in my third and last year of GCSEs because I'm a boss and I enjoy playing Outbreak. Thanks for reading :)))
  11. Colours? What colours? Absurd! >:)
  12. Hello, I am ashowns2009, also know as assclowns or something like that. A lot of people don't know this, but I am actually batman. I live in England, somewhere in warickshire and I'll probably accidently stab you if you try to find my house... o>o be scurd. My clan, boobscats is the best clan going, and you can't join us because our owner is silly and doesn't like to invite people. I'm batman. P.S I'm a Harry Potter fanatic, say anything bad about it and Iwill hunt you, I will find you and I WILL kill you. :D<3) I am also a donator*
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