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Everything posted by GiNGL3

  1. Greaz... Are you le greaz from Notorious from me adam, will and dan? WTF dude, WTF!
  2. Bumb Where did the GW2 sub forum go? I'm up for making a PVP arena team here.
  3. yolo nutcracker yolo. Just kill me now
  4. There is no end boss, there are many many end bosses all varying different difficulties, nothing like WoW, gg.
  5. Yeah WvW needs work, but the other PvP thing is ok. End game pve can get a bit repetitive, especially when you get the same instance you got since lvl 1 fractals xD I was already on RoB btw haha, I'm pve mesmer (cond staff/dual Sw) Add the player Gosfrid
  6. I play, great game, everyone should say so you know, we might all be closet GW freaks. What server is the OB guild on, I'll gladly join if you are all active on it.
  7. Tablets are very useful, people just don't realise that there are apps out there that can make their life so much more convenient right? I am cheapskate, I always try and find reasonable stuff for the price, This is the best deal I've found so far, I only need it for simple app processes and to watch MP4 (MPEG) anime on 480p, http://www.aliexpress.com/snapshot/250639690.html It is about £41, Larger screen than the Nexus, bigger battery, Probably has better compatibility with apps.
  8. Hi Tom, From Tom. What is that like 5 now 6?
  9. Another Tom, what's that 5 now lol?
  10. GiNGL3

    Please Read.

    I lol'd hard. What a classic and polite troll message. :P Bad luck on being hacked though, mate. :( haha 2nd that man
  11. faggot I'm in training nao, so u wash myn bitch!
  12. 20 in 2 weeks, you mad?
  13. Jordan give dat pc some speed so we can play k, miss hurting you mentally :<3
  14. Cmon Declan mate, hurts my eyelashes seeing your new threads everyday lol
  15. I have a bike, live near stortford used to play wow, css gmod, I like dis guy. What music do you like?
  16. ahaha, what are you trying to say proxima? you da cool beans?
  17. Vodka what are you doing here? You will only end up getting owned again :P
  18. GiNGL3


    Fluxy being all political straight off the bat, Hallo crossnet, glad to have you in the community.
  19. GiNGL3

    Hello. ^_^

    Here ben, let me just bump this for you since you will probably do it soon, save some trouble for you.
  20. GiNGL3


    Jak i dunn0 wut u complaiynin about man, Seeing other peoples trails is like them saying "I'M HERE, FUCKING KILL ME PLEASE"
  21. Will miss those extra kills, bye man!
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