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Everything posted by PAINSCOPE!

  1. M4 Silencer rubbings up your kevlar this weekend sirs >:P
  2. Helichoptarrr, mic rape, admin abooose and general sexual tension between myself and Jordan which just made my love for him grow....I had to leave :( XD
  3. Not sure if this section is just meant for random crapola and funny CS related videos but i've got a Youtube channel and was wondering if I could sneak that in here for you guys to check out ;D Much painings :D <3
  4. Aim for my nipples? But why :( XD Anywhoo guys i'm back this weekend! My 2 week and CT ban is nearly up! I know some of you missed me (Tiny, Jordan, Marshmallow, Baby Monkey in particular). I look forward to play with you guys again :D Gangham style video anyone? Yes? :D WELL TOUGH SHIT! Painscope! <3 p.s. Epic nipple rub to Tiny if Sholto still hates me LAL

    New players

    That's fair xP any progress on this Twisty? XD

    New players

    I think freekillers would wait an hour to freekill, perhaps 2-4 hours which in some cases is just a day of playing.

    New players

    Are you reffering to the 2 hour time limit to go on CT or logging mass amounts of gameplay to be part of the CT group? Or both :P
  8. Ali, read my recent topic post on this section. The admins and members alike are very keen on it :) hopefully it will help!
  9. Sounds like a good idea! I go on a Zombie Escape server that has 1 as "No vote".


    Wouldn't it be easier to get the gravity gun from HL2 instead? XD

    New players

    I know i'm not exempt but it seems like a personal criticism, whereas we all know that 80% of CT's who start out are pretty terrible.

    New players

    First bit was unnecessary Sholto :P

    New players

  14. I love how you guys have directed my welcome to talking about nipples, it's probably because I keep talking about aiming for them in the game XD
  15. Let me answer that question with another question Lewis. Why do we put raisins in a rice pudding? XD

    New players

    Maybe less then, wasn't too sure of a general time frame so went by myself as an example (generally 3 to 4 hours per day, 5 days a week). Basically the equivelant of 2 weeks worth of playing on the server, though 15 hours would probably be applicable too, it just depends on the general hours done by a regular :)

    New players

    This may have already been suggested and scrapped but I may have a solution to a fair amount of freekilling. If it is possible to log how many hours someone plays on OB then perhaps for the first 30-50 they shouldn't be allowed on CT, essentially CT banned until they pass the 30-50 hour mark. It should stop one stop freekillers and give newer players an idea of how to play the game. Not sure if it's possible to do this and it might be a little unfair on new gamers that are used to jailbreak but I have noticed that even though used to jailbreak do sometimes find OB unfamiliar to their previous servers they've played on. Any ideas on how effective this might be or any continuing ideas that could serve the same purpose? Thanks! :ugeek:
  18. Thanks man! I understand :) I've read almost all of the Unban requests in that particular section just out of interest and how you guys do things. It's given me more knowledge on the way you guys deal with things and i'm glad I could help vodo with his troubles :D Look forward to play with you guys again!
  19. Jordan is one sexy bitch :D 13! xD
  20. No problem Vodo, trying to correct my wrongs :3 Btw I keep wanting to call you Volo after the bard from Baldur's Gate D: xD
  21. Well if you break the rules they may switch, slay or CT ban you. If it's horrificly bad, as if heavily intentional for achievements or whatnot, then it'll be more like a permanent ban. However if you just die on CT in general circumstances (i.e. not baiting/putting yourself in a position to be killed) and maybe not give the best commands you might not be switched, just advised to change your strategy.
  22. I'm sure McLovin or Twist will come along and let you know, as well as give you advice. Glad to be of help! :)
  23. Believe me, all of us have been there at one point or another. Just keep taking the advice of people who have more experience on the game and work with it rather than object to it, there is a beneficial reason why they enforce the rules, not only to protect the server but to ensure the adaptability and greater understanding of players alike.
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