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Everything posted by Corrupted

  1. you're* Current mute time is 10 seconds. Given that the server is almost always full there won't always be an admin on to mute people that talk over the warden. Even when there are admins on now people talk over warden and only get muted when we hear loud static/white noise.
  2. Every single round as soon as Ts get muted there is constant mic spam, meaning the warden can't speak and give the starting orders. Admins (although there are always plenty online) rarely mute Ts. This means it takes forever to get people out of their cells and Ts get pissed off because of this; so CTs die sooner :3 Solution is simple, make the automute on round start last 30-60 seconds, so the CTs have enough time to sort their shit and give round start orders.
  3. Corrupted

    Auto Muting

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